2016 Promo & Activation


Product/ServiceHIFI CHAIN
Category C02. Use of Mobile
Idea Creation ÅKESTAM HOLST Stockholm, SWEDEN
Media Placement ÅKESTAM HOLST Stockholm, SWEDEN
Production ÅKESTAM HOLST Stockholm, SWEDEN
Name Company Position
Magnus Jakobsson Åkestam Holst Creative Director
Adam Reuterskiöld Åkestam Holst Copywriter
Joakim Khoury Åkestam Holst Art Director
Henrik Adenskog Åkestam Holst Account Director
Alex Picha Åkestam Holst Digital Producer
Fredrik Lindh Åkestam Holst Front-end Developer
Kalle Peterz Åkestam Holst Back-end Developer
Eric Karlsson Åkestam Holst Motion Director

The Campaign

The idea was to send the discounts as cash straight into the client’s pocket. In advance.

Campaign Success

In short: Pause sent cash straight into the client’s pocket. In advance. We invented a brand new media channel. Using the well-established Swedish payment service Swish, commonly used to send money between friends, families and companies, Pause sent money to its clients in advance. Since it was actual money, you were free to do whatever you wanted with the money. Buy flowers to your home, grab a beer or get yourself a new shirt – all that was okay. When you get money from someone, you get a notification and a message. We used this to get our message and discount across to the clients. The campaign started on April the 6th and will continue to June 2016.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The trust from the clients where overwhelming. The campaign was a huge success. Breaking even in 2 days. Sales up +60% compared to last years promotion.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

By sending actual money in advance that people could use immediately, the campaign Discount is king is not just a new way of using discounts, it’s also a completely new media channel that goes straight into the target groups’ wallets. The campaign created a unique bond between the clients and Pause. Great clients and products deserve great discounts, and above all REAL discounts.

Pause is a small chain of hi-fi stores, providing great service and state-of-the art stereo equipment to real sound lovers – sometimes at a discount. But its big competitors – the big box stores – aggressively market fake sales and discounts, where they present their original prices or ridiculously small reductions as if they were a discount. Thus, to create trust in a category where all trust had been eroded, Pause decided to do something disruptive: Send their clients real money in advance of the Pause sale. No strings attached. By using a personal medium to send their discount, and trusting that their loyal clients would use it in their stores, Pause could stand out from the category, generate PR and attention, and start rebuilding trust and interest in Pause’s sales. And show that Pause is the real deal in a category of fakes.