2016 Promo & Activation


Category B09. Use of Print or Outdoor
Media Placement SERVICEPLAN Munich, GERMANY
Name Company Position
Alexander Schill Serviceplan Chief Creative Officer
Christoph Nann Serviceplan Executive Creative Director
Hendrik Schweder Serviceplan Creative Director
Bernhard Labitzke Serviceplan Copywriter
Andreas Kurhan Serviceplan Copywriter
Annika Gude Serviceplan Art Director
Benjamin Krause Serviceplan Art Director
Zillah Beese Serviceplan Art Director
Michael Schneider Serviceplan Geschäftsleiter Kundenberatung
Robin Stolp Serviceplan Account Manager
Philipp Koch Serviceplan Account Supervisor
Jens Schwengel Freelancer DoP
Nikolaus Grunert Freelancer Sound Design
Dennis Fritz Serviceplan Senior Motion Designer

The Campaign

To show the freshness of METRO’s fish, we used the most established way to show being up-to-date: THE DAILY NEWSPAPER, which also happens to be the TRADITIONAL WAY TO WRAP FISH. Therefore, we asked our partner fishermen to ship selected quantities of freshly caught fish with the LATEST ISSUES OF THEIR LOCAL NEWSPAPER. Every time a customer in the store buys a fish from that special batch, his purchase is wrapped in a page from this very newspaper. A SPECIALLY DESIGNED STICKER highlights the date of the catch. Through this initiative, we turned one of the most traditional packaging methods of fish into a proof of freshness and RAISED THE TRUST AND INTEREST towards the quality and origin of the product.

Campaign Success

During the 4-week promotion from April to May, partner fishermen ship SELECTED QUANTITIES OF FRESHLY CAUGHT FISH with the LATEST ISSUES OF THEIR LOCAL NEWSPAPER to the different METRO stores. Every time a METRO customer buys a fish from that special batch, his purchase is wrapped in a page from this newspaper. A SPECIALLY DESIGNED STICKER on the wrapping holds the package together and highlights the date of both the newspaper and the catch.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The result: CUSTOMERS AND BYSTANDERS WERE CONVINCED: their curiosity about the unseen packaging RAISED THE PURCHASES OF THE SELECTED FISH. Furthermore it was not only a factual proof of freshness but also a change of perception: a mass product appeared as UNIQUE AND TRUSTWORTHY; a big professional supplier came off as TANGIBLE AND PERSONAL.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The work is relevant for this category because it uses FAMILIAR AND TRADITIONAL PACKAGING with an EASY YET CLEVER TWIST to activate customers and bystanders immediately at the point of sale to buy selected and promoted fish.

First and foremost, METRO is one of the most important suppliers for BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS. Customers in this target group SIGNIFICANTLY VALUE TRUST – especially when it comes to products that MUST BE HANDLED WITH CARE. We use a STRAIGHTFORWARD TWIST: By cleverly using traditional packaging materials in an innovative way, we SURPRISE AND INFORM our customers about product origin and date of catch – THE ULTIMATE PROOF OF FRESHNESS.