2016 Promo & Activation


Product/ServiceMAGNUM DOUBLE
Category D01. Launch / Re-launch
Media Placement MINDSHARE Warsaw, POLAND
Name Company Position
Żaneta Szysz Mindshare Media Managaer
Klaudia Zwirowska Mindshare Senior Executive

The Campaign

With its latest “Release the beast” campaign, Magnum is daring “Pleasure Seekers” to let go and courageously push their pleasure boundaries. The campaign encourages ice cream fans to dare to release their wild side, empower them to seize the day and take that extra dose of indulgence that only Magnum Double could offer: two layers of cracking chocolate with a luscious sauce in between. The creative strategy has been built for the past few years when the brand took a strategic shift away from hidden pleasure to a positive, unapologetic and celebratory point of view on pleasure. Standard ads did not suit this concept, therefore we’ve created a new campaign with Magnum as a symbol of powerful women who release their inner beasts (wild animals) and attract others with their self-confidence and beauty. The new creation gave consumers a quality content and magnified the story of new flavor variants.

Campaign Success

Nothing works like a gossip, so we’ve created a buzz around show inaugurating new flavors (sponsored gossips, word of mouth). The Internet remained a main battlefield. Approaching the event, touchpoints revealing event information: posts of backstage featuring designer and “final countdown” to the live streaming were included. To increase the intensity on the event’s day - Influencers posted about their preparations. Streaming in native display to reach those inaccessible by standard ads (59% of 15-34 using adblocks). 1.5 hour live streaming, over 2.1 million streams. Event gossips spread in blogosphere, press and TV - over 2.3 thousand mentions about the event in social media. Video was a core of product campaign. To those who saw video on YT we’ve retargeted GDN campaign and engaged Lightbox, supported by TV, OOH, mobile rich-media imitating cracking chocolate. Campaign supporting Magnum Pleasure Store used geotargeting networks, graphic notifications and FB "local awareness".

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

• Evolution of sales 4 times higher than the market for impulse ice cream • ROI of investments equaled 4.7 -every dollar spent on media generated sales of 4.7PLN (KPI 4-4.5) • New flavors gained 2.9% value market share of impulse ice cream (in 2015 2.4% in value SOM) • TV advertising (product placement and advertising spots) reached 85.8% of the TA, 2,828,390 people • Press releases (PR and advertising) reach @1+ 44%, 687,853 people in the female TG • 180 million impressions in digital, 22 million UU • Outdoor reached 69.2%, 5,669,291 people • 3 million video plays, 60’’- long spot had spectacular results on YT, 38,94% watched video to the end (30'' was watched by 49.15%) vs 37.30% for the food&beverages benchmark (Google Support) • Posts on Facebook generated 16,560 likes, 780 comments and 302 shares, the number of fans increased by 2,419 • 4 million views generated

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

Ice cream market is developing dynamically and all the players face the challenge not only to deal with the growing number of competitors, but also with new trends. Persuading consumers (young, wealthy people from big cities, interested in fashion, who despise traditional forms of advertising, but appreciate contextually relevant information about celebrities) is a challenge. A strategy needs to be based on non-pushy, native communication – rumors/gossips, where the channels (social media, press, digital gossip) communicate with each other, each of them playing a different role in expanding the new Magnum. This is proven by results.

TA: “pleasure seekers” who search for pleasure, aged 18-34, from towns 50+ willing to pay the higher price for quality. To achieve the effect of priority, we started our campaign in April, before the season and activity of competitors. To build RTB of a premium brand and gain the publicity, we’ve organized a fashion show with one of the famous polish designers - Dawid Woli?ski, who’s created a dress inspired by Magnum (BUILDING BRAND VALUE). We’ve bet on live streaming which made this elite event became more massive. Event echoed in media, gossips spreaded in press/portals, TV and social media, part of the gossips were earned. Then we’ve focused on product communication (AWARENESS). During the summer TA spend time outdoors, so additionally to TV, YouTube/VOD and display, we’ve focused on social media, mobile, OOH. Finally we’ve reached a PHASE OF SALES, supporting the opening of the first MAGNUM Pleasure Store.