2016 Promo & Activation


Category B08. Use of Broadcast
Idea Creation HAPPINESS / FCB Brussels, BELGIUM
Production GERONIMO Antwerp, BELGIUM
Additional Company RAYGUN Brussels, BELGIUM
Additional Company 2 BLISS INTERACTIVE Ho Chi Minh City, VIETNAM
Name Company Position
Koen Van Wonterghem OVK / PEVR (Parents of Road Victims Managing Director - Administrateur Délégué
Ellen Ruys OVK / PEVR (Parents of Road Victims) Regionale Coordinator NL
Alexia Creton OVK / PEVR (Parents of Road Victims) Regionale Coordinator FR
Karen Corrigan Happiness / FCB Executive Creative Management
Geoffrey Hantson Happiness / FCB Chief Creative Officer
Elke Janssens Happiness / FCB Managing Director
Pieter Claeys Happiness / FCB Creative Director
Philippe Fass Happiness / FCB Creative Director
Niels Sienaert Happiness / FCB Concept Provider
Tim Schoenmaeckers Happiness / FCB Concept Provider
Romain Felix Happiness / FCB Copywriter FR
Catherine Quadens Happiness / FCB Copywriter FR
Hans Smets Happiness / FCB Group Account Director
Tine Van Hasselt Happiness / FCB Senior Account Executive
Stefanie Drapier Happiness / FCB Account Executive
Anaïs Desmet Happiness / FCB Creative Intern
Remke Faber Happiness / FCB Motion Designer
Dries Lauwers Happiness / FCB Graphic Designer
Bart Vande Maele Happiness / FCB Agency Producer
Tuyet Hoang Happiness / FCB Online producer
Peter Baert Raygun Sound Producer
Dirk Domen Geronimo Fim Director
Piet Deyaert Geronimo DOP
Jasper Moeyaert Geronimo Film Producer
Mathias Kerner Geronimo Film Producer
Stefaan Gryson Moxy Online editor

The Campaign

Instead of coming up with yet another one-off campaign making people aware of the danger of using your phone behind the wheel, we came with a more permanent solution: The Safety Jingle. A short (8 second) audio message that radio hosts can play right after they ask listeners to call, text or tweet - to remind everybody not to use their phone behind the wheel. The safety jingle was recorded with the voices of actual parents who lost a child in a road traffic accident and sounded like this: “but please, no phone behind the wheel. A request by Parents of Road Victims. Like us.”

Campaign Success

Step 1: The safety jingle was recorded with the voices of actual parents who lost a child in a road traffic accident. The music contains the names of the 155 children who died last year. Step 2: The Safety jingle was made available online as a finished track. But to make sure radio hosts could also make it their own, we also made an open source file available. Step 3: Via a touching online video request directed to Belgium’s most famous radio hosts, actual parents of road victims launched a national call to all radio hosts to start using the Safety Jingle. Step 4:The same day, via pre-programmed tweets and posts, all Belgians could send the touching online video request to their favourite radio host. Step 5: use all the attention, conversation and debate in National Press to put even more pressure on the Radio Hosts.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Within hours the first radio hosts responded, live on air, in their radio show. And The Safety Jingle quickly became a topic on all national radio stations. After 1 day only, radio hosts even started to encourage each other to start using the Safety Jingle. After 2 days The Safety Jingle sparked debate and conversation on national TV, radio and press. And after just 3 days, 95% of all national radio stations actively used the safety jingle each time a radio host asked to call, text or tweet. 95%... Concretely, that means that 1 radio station did not use it. An absolutely fabulous result in an extremely short amount of time: 3 days. Making the Safety Jingle a permanent tool for Radio Hosts to help save lives. NOTE: in the meantime the Safety Jingle is officially turning into a broader European initiative. By 20th of November the Safety Jingle will also be launched in Portugal and Slovenia. Soon to be followed early 2017 by Italy, Romania, Poland and Spain. Saving lives shouldn’t stop at the Belgian border.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

Making Radio Hosts use the Safety Jingle was entirely dependent on the participation of the general public to generate an interaction between any Belgian person and his or her favourite Radio Host. Because via pre-programmed tweets or posts, everybody could urge their favourite radio host to use the safety jingle.

Target audience was all radio hosts from all national radio stations. Which is about 300 hosts from about 30 radio stations. All radio hosts have a facebook page and a Twitter address. That’s what we used for our activation and interaction strategy. Any Belgian person could send a touching online video request, made with actual parents of road victims, to their favourite radio host to urge him or her to start using the Safety Jingle. And by doing so, put social pressure on all of them.