2016 Promo & Activation


Category C02. Use of Mobile
Entrant XXS Amsterdam Schiphol, THE NETHERLANDS
Idea Creation XXS Amsterdam Schiphol, THE NETHERLANDS
Media Placement XXS Amsterdam Schiphol, THE NETHERLANDS
Name Company Position
John de Vries XXS Amsterdam Creative Director
René Verbong XXS Amsterdam Creative Director
José Evers XXS Amsterdam Managing Partner
Judith Kampman XXS Amsterdam Lead Agency Producer
Wessel Beumer XXS Amsterdam Jr. Creative
Barend Stegeman XXS Amsterdam Jr. Creative
Peter Horwitz XXS Amsterdam Master of Sound

The Campaign

With a little help of everyday technology, we managed to broadcast full length recipes in just 10 seconds. We broadcasted recipes in superspeed during our radio commercials. We called upon listeners to record them using the slo-mo function on their smartphones. The recorded audio is played back 8 times slower, bringing the recipes back to normal speed. This use of mobile gave us the opportunity to broadcast a fresh full-length recipe every day of the week. In just 10 seconds, our listeners received a full length recipe on their phones for free. They only had to press play to be inspired with one of our delicious recipes.

Campaign Success

By airing the recipes on the radio in super high speed, we saved enough budget to broadcast a fresh new recipe every day of the week. The campaign aired on two of the largest national radio stations around typical grocery-doing-hours. In this way HelloFresh inspired people nationwide to experience something new.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The campaign was still airing at the time of writing. We can't report any results as of yet, though we are already seeing significant increases in new subscriptions.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

By using the smartphones of the target audience, HelloFresh inspired them in a way they never heard before. Via this campaign, HelloFresh found a clever way to offer the country a promotional sample of what HelloFresh meal-kits are all about.

HelloFresh targets a wide audience, though has a special focus on women between 26 and 55 YO, mainly working, with a partner and perhaps children. To reach these (working) women, we resorted to radio, being present during those moments when the family meals are being plotted. And thus, when culinary inspiration is needed most. Our approach focused on offering a free-trial-way of thinking. Our aim was to allow people to get a taste of what HelloFresh was all about.