2016 Promo & Activation


Short List
Category C05. Co-Creation & User Generated Content
Additional Company APOTEK 1 GRUPPEN Lørenskog, NORWAY
Name Company Position
Stein Simonsen McCann Oslo Creative director
Torstein Greni McCann Oslo Creative director
Alexander Blomqvist McCann Oslo Account director
Kjersti Nesbakk McCann Oslo Account director
Katrine Berget McCann Oslo Account manager
Niels Windfeldt Atlas Film Director
Kristian Kjelman Atlas Producer
Svein Saelid McCann Oslo Planner
Eivind Eidslott McCann Oslo Head of Content
Torjan Vastveit McCann Oslo Designer
Vilde Odmundson McCann Oslo Designer
Jan Westby McCann Oslo Front-End developer

The Campaign

We created a national registry of defibrillators by launching an web application for both mobile and desktop. The application works as a pathfinder, making it easy to track down the nearest defibrillator in the event of a heart attack.

Campaign Success

The application was launched with ads in social media specifically aimed at the above-mentioned target group. Some ads promoted a 30 second film demonstrating the application telling the story of a barista who witness a heart attack and is sent out to find a defibrillator. We also used geo targeting inviting people to familiarize themselves with their local defibrillator map and share it with their community. By introducing "heart attack drills" in schools and workplaces, as a parallel to fire drills, we raised even further awareness to our cause.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

- First life saved only two weeks after the launch! - More than 1 million visits to the registry's web site in just over a month. - Massive love bombing in social media and loads of positive PR. - To this date more than 3 300 user-generated registrations of new defibrillators. - Survey showing that 68% of the target audience agrees to this project as a proof of Apotek 1´s brand promise: “We care for people's health”. - 64% stated that this campaign made them more positive or much more positive to Apotek 1.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The restart heart campaign is a web-application which rely on user generated content. Through all the material we encourage the consumer to help register defibrillators all over Norway in one national register.

To fill a gap in the Norwegian public health system and prove Apotek 1's brand promise, we came up with an application with potential life saving value. Each day 10-15 Norwegians suffers from heart attack. There has been an increase in heart attacks for people aged 30-45 (which had also been widely covered in the media). If people knew where to find and how to operate a defibrillator many lives could be saved. Our campaign was aimed at this segment with two call to actions: 1) Make people familiarize themselves with the location of their nearest defibrillator and learn to use it. 2) Help improving our registry by adding a defibrillator and share the location with their community.