2016 Promo & Activation


Product/ServiceTV SHOW
Category B05. Use of Ambient Media: Large Scale
Entrant UBI BENE Paris, FRANCE
Idea Creation UBI BENE Paris, FRANCE
Name Company Position
Thierry Reboul ubi bene Founder of ubi bene

The Campaign

THE CREATIVE IDEA Netflix presents its new serie, taking place in the city of Marseille, an European capital of the cinema industry. To launch the serie, we decided to play on Marseille’s strong competitive spirit : Introducing the Marseille’s Signs, designed from the series’ original logo.

Campaign Success

THE EXECUTION The construction of more than 100 meters wide, made of giant letters of 13.70 meters high, obvious analogy to the famous sign " Hollywood " and symbol of the cultural vitality of the city, which become established as a special place for film and series shooting. The "Marseille Signs" reproduced identically the Marseille logo imagined by Netflix. THE PROCESS In total, 2 month of works was necessary for this 300 tonnes construction reproduicing the letters which constitute the serie’s logo. THE TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION Local craftmens, proud to honor their city built a 13,70m high and more than 100m long landmark on top of a hill visible from everywhere around (from people who come to Marseille by plane, car or boat).

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

EFFECTIVENESS The day Marseille premiered on Netflix, its name became an icon, lauded by residents on Twitter/Instagram, and by the whole world. In total : - more than 40 000 000 people reached by the Marseille signs in the medias - More than 12 848 000 OTS (by people coming in the city by plane, road or boat) 80% of Marseille’s inhabitant wish to keep the Marseille signs permanently (Survey made by : La Provence)

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The built of the Marseille signs brings to life the launch of the serie on a strategic & central spot of Marseille; using the reference of a strong worldwide known symbole.

THE TARGETED AUDIENCE Locally : Marseille inhabitants and tourists On a wider scale : all local/national/international medias (News Medias, Cinema and series one, Regional daily press, design medias,...) THE BRAND RELEVANCE / APPROACH The idea was to play on the symbol of Marseille : the City AND its "role"/vision in the serie : an iconic & cinema related city.