2016 Promo & Activation


Category B05. Use of Ambient Media: Large Scale
Entrant (h)Films Milan, ITALY
Production (h)Films Milan, ITALY
Name Company Position
Federica Ariagno AUGE HQ Executive Creative Director
Giorgio Natale AUGE HQ Executive Creative Director
William Tattoli AUGE HQ Creative Director
Veronica Ciceri AUGE HQ Art Director
Niccolò Bossi AUGE HQ Copywriter
Antonio Mitra AUGE HQ Copywriter
Federica Dordoni (h) films Executive Producer
Silvia Fazio (h) films Producer
Andrea Losa (h) films Editor

The Campaign

How to communicate sustainability? Bu making the communication sustainable itself. We invited 21 famous street artist to express their idea of sustainability using a special paint that, through light energy and air humidity, attacks and neutralizes polluting agents. We also organized and event in all ikea stores, where the artists customer some ikea furnishings with the special paint. In the stores people participated to workshops and seminars dedicated to sustainability.

Campaign Success

We describe a special paint that, through light energy and air humidity, attacks and neutralizes polluting agents. Then we invited ikea to bring back colour in the streets of our biggest home: the planet. In the beginning of may 2016 we organized a sustainable street art event. To promote it we created a social campaign that included: posts, images, a viral video and landing page where people could appreciate the style of each artist and were invited to admire the artworks and participate to the event in all ikea stores. The event took place in the beginning of June.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

82.21 grams of nitrogen oxide eliminated every day (the equivalent of pollution generated by a hundred euro 6 cars). Plus 186% of sustainable products sold Plus 18% of visits to ikea website Plus 10 % of customers in store 39 million media impressions 2.2 million people reached

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The work communicates everyday the ikea's role in promoting a lifestyle that respects the environment. It has also brought people to partecipate to the event dedicated to the sustainability in all ikea stores, where they discovered and appreciated the sustainable ikea products. During the event ikea sold +186% of sustainable products and the number of clients in store has increased by 10%.

We think that people must care about sustainability in their everyday life. That's why we communicate a sustainable message using the most visible and accessible communication channel: street art. To promote the event we used: - 19 urban walls - radio commercials - viral video web - banner and social campaign - landing page