2016 Promo & Activation


Product/ServiceSHARE A PORSCHE
Category E01. Integrated Campaign led by Promo & Activation
Name Company Position
Christian Mezöfi mcgarrybowen Amsterdam Design Director
Joost Huver mcgarrybowen Amsterdam Designer
Daniel Sytsma mcgarrybowen Amsterdam Creative Director
Julio Álvarez mcgarrybowen Amsterdam Senior Copywriter
César García mcgarrybowen Amsterdam Senior Artdirector
Michael James Phillips mcgarrybowen Amsterdam Designer
Kees Plattel mcgarrybowen Amsterdam Creative technologist / Motion Designer
Sasha Irla mcgarrybowen Amsterdam UX Desinger
Johan de Meijer mcgarrybowen Amsterdam Digital Producer
Nikki Haighton mcgarrybowen Amsterdam Senior Content producer
Holy Fools Holy Fools Film Production
Tobias Pekelharing Holy Fools Director
Niels den Otter Audentity Sound & Music
Egotribe Egotribe Website production
Vodafone Automotive Vodafone Automotive App production
Vincent Rang mcgarrybowen Amsterdam Creative
Erwin Verweij Erwin Verweij Editing Editor
Soundcircus Soundcircus Sound & Music

The Campaign

Would you marry your friends for a Porsche? Thanks to Share a Porsche, groups of friends could now enjoy a Porsche together. But sharing a Porsche with your friends is quite a commitment. Something that requires much more from your friendship. That’s why we came up with Porsche Marriage, a campaign that challenged friends all over The Netherlands to accept the ultimate commitment: marrying each other in exchange for sharing a Porsche together. In order to make this challenge 100% real, we conducted an extensive research, finding the only place in the world where this wedding could legally happen: Kinnaur, a region in India where group marriage is a tradition. Among those who dared to engage with our proposal, we picked four winners who travelled to Kinnaur to officially marry each other, and who now share a Porsche together.

Campaign Success

In April 2016, right before the wedding season, we launched an online video featuring a priest who looked viewers in the eye with a daring question: “Would you marry your friends for a Porsche?” For the next two weeks, we gave people the chance to interact with the video (Yes, I do/No I don’t). For those who clicked 'Yes, I do', a wedding process started, including an invitation to marry three friends of their choice through the signing of an official prenuptial agreement with them. Their new marital status had to then be posted on their social networks, which helped our campaign spread wider. After two weeks of direct engagement, we selected the four winners in an official Porsche event. Two months later, we sent the four friends to Kinnaur, the only region in the world where group marriage is not only legal, but a respected tradition.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

With a budget of less than 50.000 euros and no bought media, Porsche Marriage turned out to be an activation with a great direct response among our target audience. Over 15.000 users visited porschemarriage.nl during the first week, with an average time on page of over 3 minutes. From those 15.000 viewers, 1.750 became active participants, with a 12% conversion rate from viewing to completed registration (and not just any registration: we asked them to sign a prenuptial agreement). In the end, 1.520 marriage proposals were accepted, resulting in over 500 complete groups of friends officially participating and willing to get married. Other results: Total Facebook reach: 727.532 views (2787 likes, 491 reactions, 435 shares, 3770 clicks on link).

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The new Share a Porsche service makes owning a Porsche easier than ever. A big step for the luxury car brand, who opened to a younger audience. In order to communicate the launch of this service, we created an impactful campaign that asked our audience for the biggest commitment imaginable (getting married with their friends) in exchange for the best reward imaginable (a Porsche). Over 500 groups of friends accepted the challenge, going as far as signing a prenuptial agreement and changing their marital status on Facebook, which proved how far people are willing to go for a Porsche.

Porsche positions itself as an ‘uncommon’ brand, for ‘uncommon’ people; based on the insight that these people have proven in their (often successful) lives that they are willing to go the extra mile. They enjoy the journey as much as the destination. So our strategic challenge was to communicate a service that makes Porsche more accessible to a younger target audience while maintaining the ‘uncommon’ nature of the brand. Therefore we decided to put our prospective owners’ to the test. Sharing something precious like a Porsche takes love and dedication. So we challenged them to accept an ultimate, ‘uncommon’ commitment: group marriage.