2016 Promo & Activation


Category A04. Travel, Leisure, Retail, Restaurants & Fast Food Chains
Idea Creation SAATCHI & SAATCHI Stockholm, SWEDEN
Name Company Position
Gustav Egerstedt Saatchi & Saatchi Stockholm Executive creative director
Katja Janford Saatchi & Saatchi Stockholm Copywriter
Erik Hiort af Ornäs Saatchi & Saatchi Stockholm Art director
Gustav Dejert Saatchi & Saatchi Stockholm Graphic designer
Louise Persson Saatchi & Saatchi Stockholm Account manager

The Campaign

The idea was to let the fans release the artist line up, building a hype amongst the young music crowd in Stockholm. The past couple of years the festival has done several campaign in social media, engaging their audience. This year we wanted to put that engagement to a test and let the fans play the main part and become our PR-ambassadeurs. A social experiment where Popaganda fully relied on the audience's engagement.

Campaign Success

On strategic places in Stockholm, where the target audience hang out, we placed messages of what bands are playing at the festival later this summer. Only ONE message on ONE thing. For example; on a beer coaster we put one band, another one on a coffee cup in a café, another one on a pizza box etc. During two months we released twenty artists to only twenty people. There was a clear call to action for them to share this exclusive news in social media.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Followers on social media increased by: INSTAGRAM 22% (Goal: increase by 10%) TWITTER 40% (Goal: increase by 10%) FACEBOOK 10,5% (Goal: increase by 10%) Ticket sales increased the first month by 18% compared to previous year. (Goal: increase by 10%)

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

It’s a campaign for a music festival where the fans actively participated in releasing the artist line up.

Since Popaganda wanted to go back to their alternative roots, we decided to do the opposite of what you normally do (press release, posters, print ads etc.) when releasing the artist line up. The strategy was to let the fans become our PR people and let them do it for us. A social experiment suited for a festival bringing alternative back!