2016 Promo & Activation


Category A06. Financial Products & Services, Commercial Public Services, Business Products & Services
Idea Creation TRIBAL Amstelveen, THE NETHERLANDS
Name Company Position
Ed van Bennekom Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam Creative Director
Jasper Diks Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam Creative Director
Jolijn de Visser Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam Producer
Fione van Wijk Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam Producer
Esther te Pas Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam Business Director
Ciaran Woods MediaMonks MediaMonks Interactive Producer
Ubi De Feo MediaMonks MediaMonks Maker
Cas de Brouwer Made.for.Digital Off-line editor
Tom Titulaer Made.for.Digital D.O.P.
Robbert Boom Made.for.Digital Producer
Bernd Out Made.for.Digital Producer
Johannes van Beeck Made.for.Digital D.O.P.
Christiaan Schut Made.for.Digital D.O.P.
Rory van der Berg Made.for.Digital D.O.P.
Juul te Veldhuis Nationale-Nederlanden Sr. Program Manager
Daniel Doornhein Nationale-Nederlanden Head Branding & Sponsoring

The Campaign

We made that boring conversation over a cup of coffee more interesting by creating a special interactive talking coffee cup. This talking coffee cup was handed out free to people visiting the well-known Douwe Egberts cafes. An insurance specialist and improviser were then able to communicate with them via a wireless Bluetooth connection and have a surprisingly fun conversation about their financial future.

Campaign Success

We built special coffee cups that included a microphone and speaker. We collaborated with the well-known Dutch coffee brand Douwe Egberts. In their cafes, we offered guests a free cup of coffee. A wireless Bluetooth transmitter directly connected the cup to an insurance specialist. And with the help of an improviser, we surprised people with a fun and informative chat. During the campaign, we gave everyone who visited the cafes a free cup of coffee, together with some good advice. We had hundreds of conversations and turned the most interesting stories into a video. The video was used to get even more people talking about their future and how to plan for it. And they did.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Hundreds of conversations were held. Stories were told and advice was given in a way people actually appreciated. The most attractive ‘encounters’ were shared online, realising a total of well over 10.5 million impressions on Facebook and YouTube, and sparking discussion amongst our fans on our social channels. It changed the perspective on making contact and talking to Nationale-Nederlanden about your financial plans: from time-consuming and boring to engaging and quite a bit of fun! Exactly the customer service-oriented approach that gave Nationale-Nederlanden the first position in the Top 10 of Holland’s most popular insurance brands.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

This promotional campaign activated hundreds of people in spite of their lack of interest in this matter and we managed to make them start talking with us about their financial future.

Nationale-Nederlanden is Holland’s biggest insurance company. The strategy of the brand focuses on delivering superior customer service and that is what the advertising talks about. But actually delivering on it is an entirely different matter. The number of contacts between an insurance company and its customers is very low. This is especially true where financial planning is concerned. Time and again research as well as everyday practice shows that people are notoriously unwilling to engage in conversations about their future. So in this activation we decided to get them out of their ‘ostrich mode’ and lure them in, by starting the conversation in a totally unexpected and fun way: a talking cup of coffee.