2016 Promo & Activation


Category D01. Launch / Re-launch
Entrant HEYE Munich, GERMANY
Idea Creation HEYE Munich, GERMANY
Name Company Position
Zeljko Pezely Heye GmbH Creative Director
Andreas Weber Heye GmbH Senior Art Director
Christian Beitlich Heye GmbH Senior Copywriter
Sylvain Müller Heye GmbH Junior Art Director
Patrick Seifert Heye GmbH Junior Art Director
Matthias Mojse Heye GmbH Junior Copywriter

The Campaign

We make the Munich Philharmonic the world's first orchestra to play its own logo – "The Visual Sound Logo".

The Brief

We make the Munich Philharmonic the world's first orchestra to play its own logo – "The Visual Sound Logo".

Campaign Success

The starting point is a waveform of a recording by the orchestra. Special software is used to simplify the form. This produces a unique logo from each piece played for a versatile and modern branding. This produces a unique logo for each musical piece and enables individualised branding for the various advertising media. For example, the favourite piece of each philharmonic orchestra member becomes a personal business hallmark and an individually designed concert poster is created for each concert in the 2015/2016 season. As a result, up until July 2016, more than 40 different designs presented on over 200 cultural columns (pillars used specifically for advertising cultural events) will characterise the Munich cityscape and thus attract attention to each individual piece.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The new advertising is effective. The response in the arts sections of the local and national press is diverse and positive. The presence in public places, including advertising pillars, bars and clubs, makes the Munich Philharmonic a topic of conversation among younger audiences and generates new Facebook fans (+5% and up to 19% more profile visitors since the relaunch). It also results in more sold-out concerts in the 15/16 season. New formats, including appearances in clubs and an inaugural three-day festival with a special day for younger concertgoers, were also sold out.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

We make the Munich Philharmonic the world's first orchestra to play its own logo – "The Visual Sound Logo".

All orchestras are distinguished by a very obvious factor: the sound. Our design strategy is aimed at making this something special. And at the same time expressing the modern artistic standards of the concerts – from tickets to concert posters – also for younger concertgoers.