2016 Promo & Activation


Category B01. Guerrilla Marketing & Stunts
Idea Creation ÅKESTAM HOLST Stockholm, SWEDEN
Name Company Position
Magnus Jakobsson Åkestam Holst Creative Director
Adam Reuterskiöld Åkestam Holst Copywriter
Joakim Khoury Åkestam Holst Art Director
Fredrik Burman Åkestam Holst Account Director
Simon Stefansson Åkestam Holst Planner
Katarina Söderholm Åkestam Holst Account Manager
Elias Awada Åkestam Holst Graphic Design
Eric Karlsson Åkestam Holst Motion Designer
Ebba Lindqvist Sony ATV PR Music
Stefan Garvander Spendrups Advertiser's Supervisor
Stefan Santos Spendrups Advertiser's Supervisor

The Campaign

Imagine a world where you can´t drink beer whenever you want, well basically the world we all live in. You can´t drink beer while working, or driving, or on the subway or swimming . . . or jogging. . . The list can go on forever. That´s why we decided to make it possible to enjoy beer with your ears. And make that experience as close as possible to the feeling of actually drinking it.

Campaign Success

By using the sound technology ASMR, Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, we created an enjoyment for your ears that equals the enjoyment your mouth experiences when drinking our beer. ASMR is also know as ”brain orgasm” and is basically sounds that make you feel good. The sensation begins 'on the scalp’ and as intensity increases, moving 'down the spine’. We simply made a beer for your ear. Our Ear Beer was launched on Spotify, Youtube and Apple Music, and even on limited edition vinyl. It also featured remixes by some of Europes most popular Djs like Lindstrœm, Kelly Lee Owens and Harald Bjork. The Ear Beer-initiative premiered at Swedens largest music festival, Way Out West in a unique glass beer house aswell as on our day- and after parties at one of the biggest hotels where they could enjoy and get beergasms in the elevator aswell as besides the dance floor.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The Swedish alcohol market is regulated and it’s hard to influence sales when you can’t control either distribution or in store sales promotion as everything is run from the state. Yet during June and July we saw a big sales impact: NGL grew +434,5% above the lager category. And they even outgrew one of the biggest brands Carlsberg Export by +227% who, by their European football championship sponsorship, had invested heavily in marketing. Their Carlsberg Hof Organic saw decreasing sales by -17% while NGL grew by +26,1%. The estimated reach of the editorial articles was over 8 million – huge with limited resources. Both of the two Swedish biggest dailies wrote about the initiative and even nationwide public service radio (who can’t promote products commercially) did a piece about our ASMR project. ?

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

We created a unique sound experience where the consumer got to experience beer through their ears via vinyl, Spotify or unique venues (like an elevator)! Norrlands Guld Ear Beer.

With a limited media budget we had to twist our minds to get in front of the target audience. The first decision was where and how we could make an impact. We decided to focus our resources around one of Swedens biggest music festivals: Way out West – where a big part of the younger communities meet. There’s a huge build up of interest and content before, during and after the event that we wanted to leverage. Our approach was to use the attention around the festival to get people to interact and engage with the brand by helping consumers getting closer to music. One thing that’s really missing in events like this is places to relax: it’s always crowded and loud noises everywhere. We wanted to create an oasis for relaxation. We found it inside our product Norrlands Guld Ljus (NGL).