2016 Promo & Activation


Category A08. Charities, Public Health & Safety, Public Awareness Messages
Name Company Position
Pascal Deville Freundliche Grüsse Creative Direction
Samuel Textor Freundliche Grüsse Creative Direction
Res Matthys Freundliche Grüsse Creative Director
David Elmiger Freundliche Grüsse Copywriter
Max Benrath Freundliche Grüsse Copywriter
Nadine Mojado Freundliche Grüsse Art Direction
Nadine Mojado Freundliche Grüsse Art Direction
Christian Haueter Freundliche Grüsse Consultant
Christian Haueter Freundliche Grüsse Strategic Planner
Erwan Eydt Freundliche Grüsse Pragramming
Alain Aebersold Freundliche Grüsse Design

The Campaign

The campaign was aimed at the general Swiss population. Our strategy: we wanted to capture people’s attention with a highly attractive offer (free gold) to confront them in a second step with the grievances in the gold mining business. At the end people were faced with a moral conflict: Taking the free gold or becoming active and doing something against the grievances, for example by donating to the PUBLIC EYE, becoming a member or simply by stop buying dirty gold.

Campaign Success

The banners with the free gold offer were placed on popular sites and networks just one week before Christmas (e.g. youtube.com, scout24.ch, likes.com, ebay.fr, msn.com, spotify.com, ebay.de etc.). In addition, the campaign was launched via a media cooperation on Storyfilter.com (a popular online-magazine in Switzerland, comparable to BuzzFeed). The banners were linked to a landingpage containing the disturbing film about the dirty gold. The campaign was executed with a simple and clear usability that stimulated the participation and sustained acts. After the shocking film, the users could easely gather more information about the dirty gold, give a donation to the Public Eye or sign up for a membership.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The campaign achieved with 10 million impressions over 10’000 clicks . No fewer than 97% of the website visitors decided against the free gold. 40% of them showed further interest through donation or membership. The commitment of the Public Eye and the campaign about the dirty gold had an impact at the highest level: In December 2015, the Swiss Federal Council decided to take a closer look to the gold refineries to find out how Swiss companies are involved in human rights violations in gold mining. ( Source: publiceye.ch)

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

Year after year, several tons of gold from Togo reach Switzerland. Gold, which is mined by children under inhumane conditions . The Public Eye – an independent Swiss NGO, which campaigns for a fairer globalization – entrusted us with an online campaign , which draws attention to these abuses. The primary objective was to sensitize the Swiss population on those human rights violations in gold mining. The secondary objectives were to generate donations and new members for the Public Eye.

The banners with the free gold offer were placed on popular sites and networks just one week before Christmas (e.g. youtube.com, scout24.ch, likes.com, ebay.fr, msn.com, spotify.com, ebay.de etc.). In addition, the campaign was launched via a media cooperation on Storyfilter.com (a popular online-magazine in Switzerland, comparable to BuzzFeed). The banners were linked to a landingpage containing the disturbing film about the dirty gold. The campaign was executed with a simple and clear usability that stimulated the participation and sustained acts. After the shocking film, the users could easely gather more information about the dirty gold, give a donation to the Public Eye or sign up for a membership.