2016 Promo & Activation


Category C03. Use of Social Platforms
Name Company Position
Pascal Deville Freundliche Grüsse Creative Direction
Res Matthys Freundliche Grüsse Copywriter
Samuel Textor Freundliche Grüsse Creative Direction
Samuel Textor Freundliche Grüsse Creative Direction
Nadine Mojado Freundliche Grüsse Art Direction
Nadine Mojado Freundliche Grüsse Art Direction
Erwan Eydt Freundliche Grüsse Pragramming

The Campaign

We discovered an uprising building against the radical initiative, initiated by the young people who usually do not vote. This battle started to take over social media. The uprising from the young and educated dominated online media, Facebook and Twitter. What they all had in common was: links! So we came up with the strategy of using all these links to share our message. The idea: a URL shortener to spread the message ‚Stop DSI‘. The message was transported in the shared Short-Url and more importantly, the call showed up for two seconds when the link was clicked and – then disappeared.

Campaign Success

The Tool was launched just a week before election day under the domain Stopd.si. The domain with its URL-shortener-service was spread by the campaign managers, activists and influenceres over Facebook and Twitter. The tool went viral very quickly since the ‚Stop DSI‘-message was transported in the shared Short-Url. But more importantly, the call showed up for two seconds when the link was clicked and – then disappeared.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The website went viral within hours and recorded 20’000 unique visitors within days. In the week before the election, over 7000 links were shortened, displaying the message to hundreds of thousands of people. The message even got across people who are typically not interested in political topics. Against the predictions the Swiss people clearly voted ‚NO' to the radical initiative. The Url shortener helped spread the messages of the people who swayed the election in a last-ditch effort.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

It is a timewise extremely short promotion - just one week before the election, we had to reach as many young people as possible and make them share the message.

We wanted to use the energy and the momentum that was brewing on the Internet shortly before election day. A revolt of the young, educated, digitally savvy generation of Switzerland. Their medium: The Internet and social media. With the URL shortener, we gave them a simple but strong tool to fight this threat. And also to reach people in their environment that are otherwise not susceptible to political messages. The ‚Stop DSI‘-message was not just a statement but also a call to action and a reminder to people who overslept the polls generally.