2016 Promo & Activation


Category A04. Travel, Leisure, Retail, Restaurants & Fast Food Chains
Entrant ACTION Moscow, RUSSIA
Idea Creation ACTION Moscow, RUSSIA
Idea Creation 2 INSTINCT Moscow, RUSSIA
Media Placement MEC Moscow, RUSSIA
Production INSTINCT Moscow, RUSSIA
Production 2 OKEY DOKEY Moscow, RUSSIA
Additional Company FUTURE ACTION Moscow, RUSSIA
Additional Company 2 Trehmer Moscow, RUSSIA
Name Company Position
Nemirovskaya Olesya Action Business development director
Aliskin Alexey Action Client service director
Khardina Vera Action Account director
Korolkova Elena Action Project manager
Fursov Anton Action Copywriter
Mamedov Alik Action Senior art director
Lavrentyeva Elena Action Designer
Marina Vershinina INSTINCT (BBDO Group) Client Service Director
Inna Rogusheva INSTINCT(BBDO Group) Account Director
Mia Heil Rasmussen IKEA Centres Russia Head of Marketing
Lidia Karpova IKEA Centres Russia BTL manager
Olga Chernysh IKEA Centres Russia IKEA Head of Digital
Ludmila Kravtcova IKEA Centres Russia Digital Marketing Specialist

The Campaign

Deriving from the insight "My wardrobe is overloaded with clothes, but I still have nothing to wear", MEGA has inspired Russian consumer to make a Change: to bring their old clothes to MEGA and get a chance to win a financial reward to renew their wardrobe with the clothes from New Collections. The collected clothes were used for charity and re-cycling needs.

Campaign Success

MEGA “Change” project was implemented via simple mechanics for customers’ involvement – “Bring your old clothes – Renew the wardrobe”. Branded promo zones for clothes collection have been constructed outside the 14 MEGA malls through the biggest 11 Russian cities. Each consumer who brought the clothes received a coupon with discounts and extra-bonuses from MEGA. While being inside MEGA malls all the consumers were encountered with unusual interactive performance - Fashion Digitalized installation, on which the clothes of new collections were literally dancing, presenting the stylish looks. Edutainment hub “The academy of Change” was used for involving online audience, for which Russian Fashion Celebrity was running a series of workshops dedicated to sorting out the wardrobe, refusing of the useless things, being socially-responsible in purchasing new clothes and recycling them. During the project Fashion Celebrity was creating stylish looks from collected old clothes, showing that they could be enlivened

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The campaign got a solid PR coverage with 212 total number of publications accumulated the audience of 43 million people. As a result sales increased by 2,63% and average check – by 7,83% in comparison with the same period previous year, taking into account the retail (shopping mall) market sales drop in Russia for 30%. Moreover, MEGA has made Russian consumers more conscious about sustainability issue, as 45 tons of old clothes was collected during the campaign. The campaign was so successful, that MEGA has decided to repeat it in spring 2016.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

“Change” campaign is all about action – it inspired consumers to change their minds about old clothes, bring them to MEGA for charity and recycling needs and make a meaningful change in their wardrobes as well as someone’s life (via charity) and even someone’s business (via recycling).

IKEA Shopping Centers in Russia is the largest developer on the Russian market. Its 14 MEGA branded shopping centers are located in Russia’s 11 largest cities with more than 275 million visitors annually. In 2014-2015 Russia’s economy faced one of the biggest challenges: economic recession. Purchasing power has dropped by 35% within a year. In total, retail (shopping malls category) market sales has decreased by 30%. “Change” – a sales activation and raising environmental issue campaign aiming to promote New Collections in MEGA in autumn 2015. The campaign was supported by 360 degree communication campaign with “Change” message, which included Fashion Celebrity Endorsement, TV, OOH, in-mall fashion installations, CRM and digital hub.