2016 Promo & Activation


Category E01. Integrated Campaign led by Promo & Activation
Name Company Position
Agostino Toscana Saatchi & Saatchi Executive Creative Director
Manuel Musilli Saatchi & Saatchi Creative Director
Alessandro Orlandi Saatchi & Saatchi Creative Director
Alice Scornajenghi Saatchi & Saatchi Copywriter
Alessio Bianconi Saatchi & Saatchi Art Director
Manuela Fidenzi Saatchi & Saatchi Producer
Fausto Tumbarello Saatchi & Saatchi Business Leader
Giuseppe Colasurdo Saatchi & Saatchi Account Manager
Veronica Costantino Saatchi & Saatchi Account Executive
Erica Lora-Lamia Saatchi & Saatchi Head of TV
Simone Roca Saatchi & Saatchi Senior Digital Manager
Lucas Conte Saatchi & Saatchi Strategic Planning Director
Leonardo Rossi Twister Film Producer
Daniele Brunelletti Twister Film Director
Simone Moglié Twister Film DOP

The Campaign

The idea starts from a local custom: Italians have always turned to Santini (holy cards on the car dashboard) to feel safe behind the wheel. But today, it seems like there’s no Saint able to save them from the temptation of reading a text message. As a consequence texting while driving has become the first cause of car accidents. We’ve created a new Santino, who protects Italian drivers for real: Santino Safety System, the first holy card that, thanks to NFC technology, can dialogue with the driver’s smartphone, blocking incoming notifications and answering in his or her place to chats and text messages.

Campaign Success

We created a video to describe our hi-tech holy-card, in a funny way, leveraging on the TOV of Christianity and religious saviours. We launched and seeded the Video, starting from the Groupama Facebook page. At the same time, we've printed and programmed the first 10.000 NFC holy cards and the APP. In just 4 days we ran out of the cards, and had to start a second round of printing to reply to the heavy demand for our new technology.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The success of the campaign was faster and bigger than everyone expected. In just 15 days, more than 40.000 Santino Safety System holy cards were requested on the Groupama website, and the Santino Safety System App went among the first 20 apps on google play store. Within the first two weeks of the operation, the video got shared more than 20.000 times on Facebook and the video received 5 million views. All the comments and reactions were enthusiastic and all major Italian magazines and newspapers covered the initiative as a major step in traffic security and as the beginning of a behavioural shift amongst young people - which only in Italy with a concrete Italian twist would have been possible. Media value of the corresponding press coverage until now is around EUR 2 million, with am investment of not even 50.000 to produce the cards and the video.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

We've created a tool to avoid car accidents, by changing the behavior of car drivers while driving. To spread our message, we created an online video, explaining our technology and raising a strong call to action by inviting users to order a tool for free on the Groupama's website.

Italian Police launched an alarm: in 2015 the number of car accidents started to increase for the first time in 20 years, especially among younger drivers, because of distractions due to forbidden smartphone usage while driving. That's why we decided to talk to 18-35 year old drivers, confronting them with a format they are familiar with - a shareable video. We did not want to reach out to them with a negative message about how bad it is to text and drive, rather we wanted to give them an option to avoid already to get into the situation of responding to a text message by creating something that is helping them to change their behaviour: a straight-forward hi-tech gadget that not only blocks the incoming messages, but also sends a reply to the sender instead of them. Embedded into the cultural context of the “Santinos” to make it loveable.?