2016 Promo & Activation


Category A04. Travel, Leisure, Retail, Restaurants & Fast Food Chains
Entrant SMICKER Stockholm, SWEDEN
Idea Creation SMICKER Stockholm, SWEDEN
Name Company Position
Annika Elfving Hofmann Smicker Account Director
Anna-Karin Lundgren Smicker Creative Director / AD
Jesper Eronn Smicker Creative Director / Copy
Katarina Blass Smicker Production Manager
Anna Sager Smicker Copy
Jonas Stenqvist Yours Digital Producer
Filip Nordin Yours Designer
Henrik Gyllenskiöld Zlipr Director
Emelie Stachewsky Smicker Designer

The Campaign

The Swedish Tourist Association wants people to experience Sweden. So they dared the public to instantly accept their invitation: a free trip to a secret location. Only ten people were chosen - but their journey engaged and inspired thousands at vagaupptack.se.

Campaign Success

The campaign site release was first revealed through videos where an STF reporter dared people on the street to come along on a spontaneous free trip to somewhere secret. The videos were brought out via Facebook, Twitter and the member newsletter. Those who clicked through to the campaign page could apply for their free ticket and share the page to dare friends to join in. A few days later, the trip with the ten chosen people took place. Their experience was filmed by a camera team and the trip could be followed in real time via the updated campaign page, where all Instagram under #vågaupptäck (#dareexplore) were mirrored. Visitors could also buy their own discount STF trip – or sign up to get a heads up before the launch of the next secret destination free trip. Another few days later, the camera team report was uploaded on the campaign page.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Unique visitors campaign site: 27 407 Average time spend on the site: 8.21 min 1000 visitors clicked to claim a ticket on the first day. 2000 visitors in total clicked to claim a ticket during the 3 day window. 800 persons signed up for heads up info on the release of the next #dareexplore trip. E-mail 1 ” apply for a free ticket” open rate: 34% and click 28% The engagement at Facebook the first three days gave 911 578 actions (like, share, comments). We had 1 062 345 impressions and a CTR at 2,35% (benchmark 1%) which gave an CPC at 2,62 SEK (benchmark 100 SEK). E-mail 2 ”buy your own STF trip” open rate: 34% and click 20% The sales value per person on the STF accommodations increased from 550 SEK to 880 SEK. This indicates that a new target group was engaged – one of the campaign goals.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

With this campaign, STF activated both their brand and their audience whilst driving sales and loyalty. The campaign dynamic utilises the audience's curiosity and aspiration – to create engagement with a long dynamic reach in social networksand as well as reflection upon the STF brand message: there's always more to explore.

By engaging the STF followers (primarily outdoor active singles and families in urban areas) on Facebook and the STF newsletter, the campaign got a dynamic brand ambassador reach. Through a campaign site with a viral content that was updated in steps, the idea was to achieve an emotional engagement that lasted longer compared to a standard sales promotion campaign.