2016 Promo & Activation


Product/ServiceHEINEKEN BEER
Category B09. Use of Print or Outdoor
Media Placement STARCOM ITALIA Milan, ITALY
Production STUDIO ROSS Milano, ITALY
Name Company Position
Bruno Bertelli Publicis Italy Creative Director
Cristiana Boccassini Publicis Italy Creative Director
Luca Cinquepalmi Publicis Italy Creative Director
Marco Venturelli Publicis Italy Creative Director
Alessandro Candito Publicis Italy Associate Creative Director
Andrea Raia Publicis Italy Art Director
Matteo Gatto Publicis Italy Copywriter
James Moore Publicis Italy Strategic Planner
Lorenza Montorfano Publicis Italy International Account Director
Maria Elena Gaglianese Publicis Italy Account Supervisor
Veronica Stellato Publicis Italy Account Executive
Stefano Gruarin Publicis Italy Art Buyer
Cristina Gusmini Heineken Group Brand Manager
Marta Grassi Heineken Brand Manager
Floris Cobelens Heineken Marketing Director

The Campaign

Our idea was to activate soccer fans by turning Heineken product qualities into two tickets for the 2016 UCL Final in Milan. We created a 100-character long hashtag and put it on 700+ outdoor ads in Milan, one month before the UCL Final hit the city. We took Heineken product qualities to the streets for all the Milanese to see, and gave all soccer fans a playful excuse to spread them on Twitter too, by including at the end of the hashtag a call to action they simply could not ignore: tweet this hashtag right to win the UCL Final.

Campaign Success

We broke the rules of unconventional outdoor ads by taking an hashtag - usually exiled in the corner of the visual on traditional media - under the spotlight, building an entire outdoor campaign around it. We also created the first hashtag that was a self-sustaining contest too, Twitter Ads were a fundamental asset for the campaign: it was an Autoreply Tweet Campaign that tracked in real time whoever typed the hashtag correctly. Once the contestant tweeted the Final Hashtag, the Heineken Italy profile would then reply automatically to it, explaining him or her how to complete the registration. The OOH campaign has been on air in the city of Milan from 15th of May 2016 to the end of the month, taking advantage of the UCL final and of a capillar media plan involving more than 700 billboards position.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

More than 700 outdoor ads all over Milan city 4 milion total impressions 34% buy intent

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The whole idea was based on engaging soccer fans through outdoor ads, to make them spread Heineken’s product qualities in a playful way for a chance to win two tickets for the Champions League Final.

When a brand has to speak about itself, there’s always the risk to produce a boring campaign. Our challenge was to spread various Heineken product qualities through an outdoor campaign in Milan - which had to be linked to the Heineken sponsorship of the UEFA Champions League too - in an engaging and unconventional way. We chose Twitter as the perfect media to involve soccer fans into a challenging, yet simple game, that started in the real world and ended in the twittersphere. We had to spread Heineken product qualities all over Milan through an outdoor campaign during the month before the 2016 UCL Final. We did so, and then took the product qualities way beyond the city thanks to the use of Twitter. The hashtag was fundamental in creating an innovative outdoor ad: one that would generate a lot of buzz among people and even on advertising online press.