2016 Promo & Activation


Category B06. Use of Customer in-Store Experience
Media Placement PUBLICIS ROMANIA Bucharest, ROMANIA
Name Company Position
Jorg Riommi Publicis Romania Chief Creative Officer
Mihnea Gheorghiu Publicis Romania Group Creative Director
Irina Stoleru Publicis Romania Senior Art Director
Ruxandra Drilea Publicis Romania Copywriter
Corina Tudor Publicis Romania Account Director
Alexandra Murray Publicis Romania Client Service Director
Raluca Iacob Publicis Romania Head of Strategy
Ana-Maria Olaru Publicis Romania Senior Strategic Planner
Camelia Efrimov Publicis Romania AV Producer
Bogdan Voina Publicis Events Event Producer
Goran Mihailov Studioset Director
Niki Georgiev Studioset Editor
Bogdan Jugureanu Studioset Editor
Diana Dragomir Mind Treat Studios Co-Founder
Costin Dragomir Mind Treat Studios Designer

The Campaign

We took one of the most recognizable elements in Star Wars – The Force - and we brought it to life in the shopping universe of Carrefour. This is how “Shop like a Jedi” was born. It’s an interactive digital outdoor, which, thanks to Kinect Technology, allowed customers to use The Force to shop for anything, from day to day groceries, to Star Wars Merchandise.

Campaign Success

The interactive digital billboard was designed to let users experience the power of The Force in an easy and entertaining way, providing them with a simple, well structured virtual shop. Kinect technology was especially designed to make the using of The Force exactly like in the movies, at every point of interaction, focusing on users` immediate response: the more they concentrated/hovered with their hand over a product, the quicker they could pick it up, drag it, manipulate it with a tight or loose grip, and place it in a shopping cart. In the end, if they decided to buy what they’ve shopped for, their virtual cart would become real, and waited for them at a special cash register at the nearest Carrefour. The billboard launched on the opening weekend of episode 7 in one of Romania’s biggest shopping malls, and then toured the malls across country in the next weeks.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The billboard helped increase in-store traffic in Carrefour MegaMall Hypermarket by 22% and Star Wars merchandise sales in Carrefour Mega Mall grew with 18%. The billboard recorded an average duration of 3’ : 40’’ per shopping session – that’s 3 minutes and 40 seconds for every person to interact and play with Carrefour products, in a way that every Star Wars fan often dreamed of doing. The billboard got national and international coverage, including PSFK, Digital Buzz and Trend Hunter, among others. The idea was so well received, that Carrefour is planning to implement it internationally.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

In the context of a nationwide partnership and promotional campaign, Carrefour sold Star Wars merchandise and rewarded shoppers with collectibles, depending on how much they spent. Shop like a Jedi was a digital billboard that used Kinect to let people experience shopping as if they had full control of The Force. Depending on how well they “mastered” the Force, they were rewarded with shopping vouchers and got a higher number of collectibles per purchase.

We targeted families that shop in Carrefour and offered them a unique experience they can enjoy together: using the Force to shop for their favorite products. We invited all mall goers to experience “Shop like a Jedi” and pick their shopping from a dedicated desk in Carrefour.