2016 Promo & Activation


Category E02. Low Budget Campaign
Name Company Position
Marcel Hartog J. Walter Thompson Amsterdam Executive Creative Director
Bas Korsten J. Walter Thompson Amsterdam Executive Creative Director
Joost van Nistelrooij J. Walter Thompson Amsterdam Creative
Oscar Flinterman J. Walter Thompson Amsterdam Creative
Mats Wilke J. Walter Thompson Amsterdam Creative
Ruben van Dijk J. Walter Thompson Amsterdam Creative
Michael Jansen J. Walter Thompson Amsterdam Senior Creative
Joeri Kiekebosch J. Walter Thompson Amsterdam Sr. UX Designer
Emmanuel Flores J. Walter Thompson Amsterdam Creative Technologist
Mickel van Kouwen J. Walter Thompson Amsterdam Big Pitcher
Lisa Merelle J. Walter Thompson Amsterdam Business Director
Charlene Thomas J. Walter Thompson Amsterdam Concept Producer

The Campaign

Whenever you check your Facebook timeline, it’s filled with healthy babies. Proud parents share countless pictures of their newborn baby. We have found a way to put this social behavior to use for a good cause. We’re making these babies our ambassadors. That’s why we’re asking people to upload a picture of their baby on social media, only this time through our campaign website. The baby automatically becomes an ambassador, with his or her own ambassador’s page. This page is then shared on the parents’ social media channels, where the new ambassador explains the problem and asks for donations.

The Brief

•Overall budget Our budget was 0 euros. The Born Healthy Foundation is a foundation/charity in its first year of establishment with minimal funds. Hours of concept development and implementation and the costs of production were donated by J. Walter Thompson and its suppliers. •Media spend Media spend was 0 euros. •Cost per piece The basic out-of-pocket costs (5,600 euros) were paid by the client.

Campaign Success

•Implementation We direct as many people as we can to our campaign website: https://ambassadeurs.fondsgezondgeboren.nl/. There they can read about the existing ambassadors and sign up their healthy newborn ambassador. This is done by uploading a picture through our website and sharing the ambassador’s page that is created through their media. •Timeline Our campaign was launched last November (2015) and is ongoing. •Placement We recruit our ambassadors in all the places parents visit, such as maternity clinics and hospitals, giving the campaign a kick-start. We use flyers and posters to direct people to our campaign website. We use our website and social media channels to promote our ‘child funding’ campaign. Everyone who donates receives a personal video in which one of our ambassadors says thank you, or at least tries to. •Scale We want Dutch society, and new parents in particular, to be deeply touched and initiate social action.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

•Business impact – sales, donations, site traffic The Born Healthy Foundation website was unknown with an average of 50 daily visitors. After the campaign launch, the number of daily visitors almost quadrupled to 175, with 8,246 unique visitors so far. The Born Healthy Foundation has also received several donations from professional organizations, private and capital funds and individuals. •Response rate Forty-four new parents signed up their babies as ambassadors. A brave gesture, as the parents’ feelings of thankfulness mean that they don't want to think about what could have gone wrong. They provided the additional content that led people to our website. •Impressions Despite no digital media campaign, we still achieved 11,166 website impressions. •Change in behavior Almost 20% of visitors returned, browsed the website and decided to sign up their ambassador. •Consumer awareness Clearly people were studying the problem in depth with a dwell time of an impressive nine

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

With a very limited budget, we successfully reached new parents and cultivated their positive emotions to recruit more and more ambassadors for the Born Healthy Foundation. Since parents already share countless photos of their newborns on social media, all we had to do is channel their joy and gratitude to make their healthy newborn baby an ambassador. And so they did. No less than 8,246 interested people visited our campaign website and stayed up to nine minutes on the ambassadors’ pages indicating serious engagement with the issue. We recruited dozens of ambassadors.

• Target audience (consumer demographic/individuals/organisations) We want to inform future parents, young parents and those around them about the risks of premature birth. Their involvement with healthy newborn babies is extremely high. • Approach To spread our story we need ambassadors. Who could be a better ambassador than a healthy newborn baby? Since parents already share photos of their newborns on social media, all we have to do is channel their joy and gratitude to make their newborn an ambassador. That’s why we ask parents to make their newborn an ambassador by simply uploading a photo. The site creates a personal ambassador’s page, and shares it through their social media. The ambassador does the rest by asking people to follow the story of the Born Healthy Foundation, share or even donate.