2016 Promo & Activation


Category B09. Use of Print or Outdoor
Entrant RED GMBH Krailling, GERMANY
Idea Creation RED GMBH Krailling, GERMANY
Name Company Position
Thomas Nechleba RED GmbH Senior Art Director
Sebastian Stock RED GmbH Art Director
Regina Fichtner RED GmbH Art Director
Véronique Bielecke RED GmbH Senior Account Manager

The Campaign

„Your Voice. Your Chance. “– that’s the memorable claim of the promotion campaign for the employee survey of KraussMaffei which started end of 2015. HR and Corporate Communications implemented a guerilla marketing action for the employees to give their opinion for certain topics. The campaign measures were a combination of pasted mirrors and vending machines, floor pastings and cafeteria trays as well as a range of posters which were placed on doors and turnstiles. The concept was to attract the employees’ attention at unusual places they visit day by day, with the side effect to have a reminder. Each motive is showing an employee target group with a different cultural background holding the hands to the mouth -like they would shout. The headlines which were adjusted to the measure, have in the German language always an ironic wink depending on the place the measure is used.

Campaign Success

The gesture of the motives translates “say your opinion” or “open your mouth” and it asks the target group to participate directly with the speech “Your Voice. Your Chance.”. Optimistic people of the target group employees were used to show credible testimonials.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The results were a great success. In Germany 64% of the employees took part and on international level participation claimed up to 77%.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

Creation of impact in order to achieve high participation among employees worldwide.

The clear communication that the chance for improvement can only happen by the participation at the employee survey. The creation of a strong and emotional claim and key visual as well as the suggestions of touchpoints which reach the employees at unusual places with funny headlines that stay in mind.