2016 Promo & Activation


Category C02. Use of Mobile
Media Placement MEDIAPLUS Munich, GERMANY
Additional Company SHAZAM London, UNITED KINGDOM
Name Company Position
Alexander Schill Serviceplan Global Chief Creative Officer
Franz Roeppischer Serviceplan Creative Innovation Director
Lorenz Langgartner Serviceplan Creative Innovation Director
Rohan Fernandes Serviceplan Copywriter
Azim Abasbek Serviceplan Art Director
Kostiantyn Liakhov Serviceplan Art Director
Lisa Sophie Brilla Serviceplan Award Manager
Stephon Karolus Serviceplan Producer
Dennis Fritz Serviceplan Senior Motion Designer
Koray Altunbas Serviceplan Animator
Lukas Pachoinig Mediaplus Mediaplaner
Jonas Binder Mediaplus Senior Mediaplaner
Claudia Kirchmair Serviceplan Senior PR Consultant
Rich Harless Shazam Country Manager Germany
Yasmine Morawej Shazam Client Services Associate

The Campaign

INSIGHT: Print magazines are still a major source of inspiration for fashion shopping, with thousands of items from various brands. Searching for the items shown in a magazine online is a common activity for fashion lovers – but also complicated. Making it the perfect situation to solve with Stylight. IDEA: We turned a whole fashion magazine into the most convenient shopping experience ever: targeted social media and banner ads and a print ad told readers of a popular fashion magazine they could scan any fashion item in the magazine with their smartphone camera and conveniently buy the items directly through Stylight. TECHNOLOGY: Key to this was the new native Shazam feature Visual Shazam, already installed on 50 Mio. German – and almost 90% of our target group’s – smartphones. This means: no extra download needed. Just start Shazam, snap the item and get it instantly through Stylight. Simple, fast and seamless.

Campaign Success

We booked the ad in the magazine just before the deadline. On release day, we bought the magazine immediately as stores opened in the morning. We scanned every page containing fashion, created Stylight urls with matching products for every page, and linked scans with urls in the Shazam database. Within one hour, the stunt was up and running: every fashion page in the magazine could be scanned, leading to the Stylight subsite with matching products. A short demo clip was spread through owned SoMe, with earned media picking up the story, and targeted fb and Instagram ads. All we had to do was sit and wait. Image recognition technology like Visual Shazam may not be completely new, but Shazam has made it as fast, reliable and seamless as anyone else. And, unlike niche apps, Shazam is installed on 50 Mio. German – and 90% of our target group’s –smartphones.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

More than 50,000 scans in total, with an average conversion rate of 38%. Popular fashion influencers talked about the stunt on social media. 186 of the products from the magazine were sold-out on Stylight during the promotion. With 18,000 € spent on a single ad, we hijacked media space worth 2,16 mio. €. But the best thing: the publisher wasn’t angry at all that we hijacked the magazine. They received hundreds of letters and emails from readers who were thrilled by the new service. So from now on, they will integrate the Stylight/Shazam functionality into every issue – for free!

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

To promote Stylight, the online shopping platform where you can easily find almost every fashion item, we turned a whole fashion magazine into the most convenient shopping experience ever: With the new Visual Shazam feature, already installed on 90% of our target group’s smartphones, readers could scan any item in the magazine and buy it directly through Stylight. We turned the whole magazine into a relevant demonstration of the Stylight benefit, creating hundreds of direct sales opportunities, reaching thousands of fashion lovers

HIJACK: All big fashion magazines in Germany belong to international media corporations, most also have fashion e-commerce ventures competing with Stylight. If we had approached them asking for cooperation, they would have declined for political reasons or demanded horrendous fees. That’s why we decided to execute the idea without the publisher’s consent, as a hijack: we approached readers through targeted fb and instagram ads and influencers. And we booked an ad in the fashion magazines, unsuspicious enough that the publisher wouldn’t realize the implications, but interesting enough that readers would find out about the stunt. SHAZAM: Female fashion lovers aged between 18 and 39 are most likely also in love with their smartphone. Research showed that almost 90% of them already have Shazam on their smartphone. While Shazam normally charges rather high fees per page, our innovative idea got them on board for free.