2016 Promo & Activation


Product/ServiceGLE COUPÉ
Category C03. Use of Social Platforms
Name Company Position
Carla Leveratto Gruppo Roncaglia Creative Director
Elisa Caracciolo Gruppo Roncaglia Creative Supervisor
Andrea Camusi Gruppo Roncaglia Digital Developer Senior
Simone Rossini Gruppo Roncaglia Art Director
Elisa Lucaccini Gruppo Roncaglia Videomaker
Lorenzo Lorato Gruppo Roncaglia Client Service Director
Fabio Belfiori Gruppo Roncaglia Account Supervisor
Serena Giovinazzo Gruppo Roncaglia Social Media Manager
Gianluca Di Bacco Gruppo Roncaglia Art Director
Valentina Vinci Gruppo Roncaglia Senior Account Manager
Paola Langella Gruppo Roncaglia Senior Account Manager

The Campaign

The aim is simple: users had just 13 minutes to find, and win, the new GLE Coupé. To make it possible, we designed the first interactive treasure hunt which went live on the Periscope channel of Mercedes-Benz Italy, few days before the F1 Monza GP. We projected this innovative way to interact with the audience also to dominate the topic about F1 Monza GP. A teaser stage intrigued the community with a video showing the SUV running away from a camera that pursues it. Even Hamilton joined the operation challenging his fans to participate. Also memes on Facebook and Twitter took the count down for the live event.

Campaign Success

We customized a special drone that broadcasted on Periscope from its point of view. The drone was driven by a pilot and the host of the event: Pierluigi Pardo, an italian sport journalist. Users commented live to direct the drone through their smartphones, while the host imparted instructions to the pilot. The flight plan was based on crossroads: when a crossroad was reached, the host asked users which way they’d like to take. All this combined with a contest lasting 24 hours: once users have found the car, a secrete word was displayed on and they had to enter it on the landing page to win a loan for use of the SUV. The right conclusion was a creative report of the Monza F1 GP, with special contents (gifs, memes, Vine videos) designed in real time to follow the evolution of the race. The whole campaign lasted just one week.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

This campaign opened a new trend in Mercedes-Benz Italy communication: more oriented to innovation and to offer new and engaging experiences to people who want to interact with the brand. #FindTheSUV is the first step towards new horizons where Mercedes-Benz is perceived as an innovative brand not only for its products, but also for its way to communicate. In just 13 minutes the live streaming generated: over 1,000 views, over 6,000 likes, more than 1,500 comments. In one week the whole campaign generated: more than 1,500,000 views of the video contents, 1500 favourites and 2,500,000 views on Twitter, + 100% new followers on Periscope, 4,000,000 people reached dominating Twitter conversation on the Monza Grand Prix and overturning the Italian F1 social trend. Buzz and related blogs and magazines. Twitter Head of Global Brand Strategy rewarded the campaign for the best use of Periscope worldwide at Twitter Awards.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

#FindTheSUV is a strongly interactive campaign due to its own nature: a treasure hunt where users remotely drove a drone through their comments by means of their smartphones and took part in the Twitter conversations incited by social contents created in real time during the competition on the Monza F1 GP, following the evolution of the race.

Target: male, 45-60, succesful. The car must express his status: design and performance are essential. He is an early adopter, entertainment-oriented and prefers the most innovative technology. This is the matter why we designed a campaign completely new, not only for the italian market: to engage a demanding audience that loves to interact with new media in new ways.