2016 Promo & Activation


Category E02. Low Budget Campaign
Entrant FRIENDS Moscow, RUSSIA
Idea Creation FRIENDS Moscow, RUSSIA
Name Company Position
Eliseev Denis Friends Moscow Creative Director
Arina Avdeeva Friends Moscow Creative Director
Anna Giers Friends Moscow Account manager
Nikita Shipov Friends Moscow Creative
Alexander Bayartaev Friends Moscow Art-director
Alexander Boyko-Babiy Friends Moscow Copywriter
Peter Fomichev Friends Moscow Digital producer
Alya Lugovaya Bakehouse Production Video producer
Konstantin Korobkin (Duffus) Bakehouse Production DOP
Anna Vlasova Whirlpool RUS Marketing communications manager
Anna Sergienko Whirlpool RUS PR&Digital Marketing Communications manager
Inna Shkuro Whirlpool RUS Brand specialist, ATL&Promo

The Campaign

To show that Hotpoint Natis washing machine is perfect for delicate washing, we decided to wash the thing you really care of — a million rubles in cash.

The Brief

• Overall budget - $ 100 000 • Media spend - $ 30 000 • Cost per piece - $

Campaign Success

The campaign was divided on the two phases: — Announce — Livestream In the first phase we created a promo site to announce our intention to wash one million rubles live and invited people to share these news in social network. On the appointed time we aired livestream on youtube and facebook, where we first showed the money and then washed it for 46 minutes live. After wash we demonstrated that money is safe by using UV scanner.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Total reach of the campaign (including announces, shares, livestream, publications, banners, in store announces) was approx. 13 000 000 Average view duration approx. 1,5 minutes Brand consideration increased on 19% After the campaign the market share of Hotpoint Natis washing machine model line was increased on 13% in the targeted cities.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

By using simple, yet provocative mechanics we attracted attention of thousands people to our functional product benefit — delicate washing system of Hotpoint Natis machine.

Build awareness about Hotpoint Natis delicate wash feature by using the Million Ruble Delicate Wash as a product demonstration and center of the campaign. The core audience of the campaign was young families, who consider buying new washing machine. We targeted main lifestyle, tech and fashion media with our teaser video and invited everyone to watch the stream live.