2016 Promo & Activation


Category A06. Financial Products & Services, Commercial Public Services, Business Products & Services
Idea Creation BBDO GROUP GERMANY Düsseldorf, GERMANY
Media Placement BBDO GROUP GERMANY Düsseldorf, GERMANY
Production CRAFTWORK Düsseldorf, GERMANY
Additional Company IOX LAB Düsseldorf, GERMANY
Name Company Position
Wolfgang Schneider BBDO Group Germany GmbH Chief Creative Officer
Darren Richardson, Ton Hollander BBDO Düsseldorf GmbH Chief Creative Officer
Kristoffer Heilemann BBDO Düsseldorf GmbH Creative Managing Director
Fabiano Oliveira Proximity Worldwide Creative Director
Miguel Chordá, Stefan Vogtländer Proximity Worldwide Designer
Albert Pozo, Marco Diaz Proximity Worldwide Junior Designer
Michel Dold BBDO Düsseldorf GmbH Copywriter
Steffen Gentis BBDO Group Germany GmbH Chief Production Officer / Copywriter
Sabine Bönigk, Valérie Gentis BBDO Düsseldorf GmbH Agency Producer
Bernhard Burg BBDO Düsseldorf GmbH Director Print Production
Michael Koch CraftWork - a brand of ad agencyservices GmbH Producer
- CraftWork - a brand of ad agencyservices GmbH Post Production Company
- nhb studios Düsseldorf GmbH Post Production Company
Thilo Zweihoff nhb studios Düsseldorf GmbH Producer
- TRO GmbH Audio Production House
Juhn Kim CraftWork - a brand of ad agencyservices GmbH Editor
Robert Jänisch IOX Lab Managing Director
Jan Gansow IOX Lab Project Manager
Thorin Hopkins, Simon Richter IOX Lab HW Developer
Mike Bayfield Proximity Worldwide Copywriter
Markus Steffen, Bastian Kohler TRO GmbH Producer
Ric Scheuss TRO GmbH Music Supervision
Bryan Kessler - Composer / Sound Design
Niklas Lemburg, Alexander Link CraftWork - a brand of ad agencyservices GmbH Director of Photography

The Campaign

We needed to promote an event that was all about sound, using a medium that wasn’t. So, we brought it alive to create the first printed poster that reacts to sound: that made noise visible. The result was a truly interactive experience that people would also talk about to others, amplifying the reach of the idea.

Campaign Success

The posters were placed in the reception areas of leading sound studios and production houses around Germany, directly targeting our key target audience, inviting them to interact with the posters. Because they were interactive, they started to come alive with the slightest bit of ambient noise. This caught people’s attention and invited them to interact with the poster even more, making more noise – clapping, shouting, singing, dancing. Groups in our target audience also made their own videos of themselves interacting with the poster, which were shared on social media. We also made a short film that we shared with the trade press, completing the crossover from a traditional print medium into the digital world and amplifying our message further, deep into our target market. And all of this happened in one week.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

All of the leading trade press who featured our campaign, named it Campaign of the Day, within one hour of receiving our press release – ensuring that everybody in the sound and advertising industry heard about it. Registration for the event doubled overnight. The reach was further amplified by several groups in our target audience making their own videos, which were shared on social media. This spread the reach even further in the press both in Germany and beyond into Austria and Switzerland. The result: a fantastically successful event attracting everybody who is anybody in the sound and advertising industries, reconfirming Düsseldorf as the place for sound professionals and ad agencies to be.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

Posters are a classic medium for promoting live events, such as Soundlounge. We needed to promote it among a specific target audience in a very short space of time, with a direct call to action: come to the event. The success of the poster campaign would simply be measured in terms of the numbers attending.

Our target audience was professionals within the sound and advertising industries, at sound studios, production houses and agencies. Our strategy was to create something unseen and unheard of, that would make a big splash, to attract attention and visitors to our event. As we only had a very short time to reach people, we needed the poster to work much harder than just simply communicating the message of the event. It needed to create a buzz amongst our target audience and be featured in the trade press and shared on social media. By doing this we would amplify the reach and increase interest and intrigue in the event itself.