2016 Promo & Activation


Category C06. Use of New Technology
Additional Company SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS Schwalbach/ Ts., GERMANY
Name Company Position
Andreas Pauli Leo Burnett, Frankfurt CCO
Helge Knieß Leo Burnett, Frankfurt CD
Christoph Riebling Leo Burnett, Frankfurt ECD
Benjamin Merkel leo Burnett, Frankfurt CD
Christian Urbanski Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Senior Copywriter
Thomas Koch Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Senior Art Director
Michael Fluhr Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Designer
Viktor Kislovskij Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Creative Technologist
Martin Krauter Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Managing Director
Pia Schuetz Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Account
Felix Schrader Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Social Media Consultant
Alexey Fedorenko Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Art Director
Alex Wagner Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Art Director
Anahita Khosravi Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Art Director
Anna-Katharina Glassner Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Art Director
Camilla Szillagyi Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Art Director
Christopher Bueers Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Art Director
Jelena Stamenkovic Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Art Director
Julian Windischmann Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Art Director
Robert Stoklossa Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Art Director
Sabine Koehler Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Copywriter
Serge Blechschmidt Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Art Director
Salome Thiel Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Art Director
Verena Seibert Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Art Director
Viktoria Geers Leo Burnett, Frankfurt Art Director

The Campaign

For the launch of the new Samsung Gear S2 Smartwatch we created the first dynamic user generated watch face with a unique design for minute.

Campaign Success

We used the full spectrum of digital touchpoints to encourage Samsung fans to submit their watch face designs and interpretations during the campaign period. Within just a few days, thousands of watchfaces were submitted. In order to accomodate all other features of the Gear S2, we developed a dynamic watchface anchored in the operating system. Thanks to this special Gear S2 watch face, the 1.440 most creative submissions were shown accurately every minute.“ A completely new kind of content channel was created that unveiled a different watch face every minute, reminding people that time is what you make of it.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

We created the first user generated content channel for smartwatch only. Many Samsung fans took the time to get involved in the campaign, with thousands of images sent in over the first few days alone. Many designs, photos, and images were submitted and shared on Samsung’s Facebook channel, for instance, which can claim more than three million fans. This heralded a new era in terms of sales, too, giving Samsung a dream launch in Germany.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

For the launch of the new Samsung Gear S2, we made every minute of the day unique. We used the full spectrum of digital touchpoints to encourage Samsung fans to submit their watch face designs and interpretations during the campaign period. Within just a few days, thousands of watch faces were submitted. Then we picked out the 1,440 most creative designs and created a dynamic watch face anchored in the operating system. So the user generated watch faces were shown accurately every minute and reminder each user – time is what we make of it.

Germany’s largest Facebook community, the official Samsung Instagram channel, and a broad network of bloggers and influencers set the tone. The aim was to get everyone involved so that the first-ever user-generated watch face could become reality.