2016 Promo & Activation


Category B04. Use of Ambient Media: Small Scale
Idea Creation WHITE RABBIT Budapest, HUNGARY
Name Company Position
Istvan Bracsok White Rabbit Budapest Creative Director
Levente Kovacs White Rabbit Budapest Creative Director
Akos Lugossy White Rabbit Budapest Art Director
Marcell Szoke White Rabbit Budapest Art Director
Adam Farkas White Rabbit Budapest Copywriter
Levente Balint White Rabbit Budapest Client Service Director
Miklos Mendrei Umbrella.tv Director
Emil Goodman Umbrella.tv Director
Zoltan Hidvegi Umbrella.tv Producer
Miklos Kazmer Umbrella.tv Producer
Gergely Angyal Umbrella.tv Co-Producer
Andras Genser Umbrella.tv Production Manager
Daniel Racz Umbrella.tv DOP
David Laposi Umbrella.tv Editor
Orsolya Nagy-Sandor Umbrella.tv Senior Account Manager
Csaba Toth Umbrella.tv Head of Post Production
Gyorgy Laklott Umbrella.tv Post Production Producer
Simon Koch Umbrella.tv Sound Designer
Viktor Uhrin Umbrella.tv Creative Consultant
Gergely Karacsonyi DropBy Head of Digital

The Campaign

We wanted to demonstrate to Hungarian young people that "nature is cool" and it's able to create cool things naturally. So we created unique, limited edition skateboards that resonated with the attitudes and lifestyle of our audience – with the help of real bears. Raw decks were given to real brown bears; the bears left their marks on the boards and "instinctively designed" them with their teeth and claws. Then we turned those decks into real skateboards, and a new brand was born, named: WWF "Designed by Nature" Skateboards.

Campaign Success

Once we created our skateboards with the help of real bears, first we addressed the skateboarders directly: with a YouTube teaser video we introduced the designer bears to them – and the set of limited edition boards. In the next phase, these 7 limited edition boards were exhibited in a meeting place of the skateboarders community, in Budapest downtown; journalists were also invited to the event, which introduced the environmental agenda of WWF Hungary into the conversation. In the meantime the online auction began, drawing attention to the boards and WWF Hungary. Thanks to the skateboarders our story became a hot online topic; it was soon discovered by online national news portals and magazines, then the "designer bears" made it to the most popular daily magazine, the Hungarian national television and some other tv channels, as well.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

WWF Hungary and the importance of conservation became a hot topic during the campaign. Due to the online auction and offline exhibition we had huge media coverage. It resulted in 21% increase in brand recognition. 36% of total Hungarian population was reached. The traffic on the auction's website went up by 62%, and 300k+ people were involved online. The limited edition boards were sold much higher than their retail price. With zero money spent on paid media and PR, we earned 580k+ Euros worth of free media. The skaters and their boards helped WWF Hungary to communicate the coolness of nature and the importance of conservation to a whole generation of young people.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

WWF is constantly looking for new, fresh ways of activating young people, educating them about the importance of conservation and a healthy ecosystem. But first it means exposing youngsters to nature; making them realize how attractive and cool nature can be. We created a set of limited edition skateboards – with the help of real bears. The bears left their marks on raw decks that we turned into real skateboards. These unique, cool-looking boards go into an online auction, and Hungarian youngsters were engaged and wanted to have them all.

To address Hungarian young people and make them aware of the importance of conservation, first we focused on a small, but influential community: skateboarders. We believed this group of opininon leaders could help spreading our message, and send it to a wider and younger audience. Once they pick up something, it could easily become mainstream phenomenon. Knowing that our audience is quite immune to traditional commercial messages, we released our story into the online sphere (about the bears, the boards, the auction), and move it slowly towards the offline world, making the whole campaign look as spontaneous as possible. We realized that the more we let them discover the unique boards for themselves, the more powerful campaign we have. And the skaters and the boards could communicate our "Nature is Cool" message effectively to a wider and younger audience.