2016 Promo & Activation


Category A08. Charities, Public Health & Safety, Public Awareness Messages
Additional Company TECNOR Grimbergen, BELGIUM
Name Company Position
Arjen Tarras & Kasper Janssens Duval Guillaume Creative Team
Dries De Wilde & Koenraad Lefever Duval Guillaume Exectuvie Creative Director
Jet Vervenne Duval Guillaume Account Manager
Patrick Clymans Duval Guillaume Managing Director
Dorien Van Antwerpen Duval Guillaume Account Executive
Christ Lannoy Duval Guillaume Production Manager
Tom Peeters Stad Antwerpen Communicatieverantwoordelijke
Ben Dillen Stad Antwerpen Communicatiedeskunde Stadsbeheer
Kathy Van Looy Duval Guillaume PR Director
Laurent Lejeune Duval Guillaume Graphic Designer

The Campaign

In order to get people’s attention and to open their eyes to denote the issue of urban litter we made singing bins, which we called the Trash Tunes. The idea all started with the form of the bins. When you look at the bins in the City of Antwerp you can identify the form of a jukebox. That’s why we had the idea to turn the trash bins into real jukeboxes and to motivate people to throw their trash in the paper baskets/bins by giving them something in return, namely a part of a well-known song. We made deals with different labels. Every time someone throws something in the bin, they got thanked by the bin singing “give it to me, Baby”, “you’re simply the best” or “drop it like it’s hot”. We succeeded in making something ordinary, throwing away trash, into an extraordinary experience.

Campaign Success

Every jukebox consists out of 2 plastic shells. To produce the shells, a special mould was made based on the exact forms of the trash bin. The design of the jukebox was based on the authentic Wurlitzer jukebox with remarkable colours as red, yellow, orange, green and blue. In the middle of the shelf, the “A” logo of the City of Antwerp was integrated. Inside the trash bin we provided a sensor to detect every move. As soon as the trash passes the sensor, the music starts. As a real jukebox, we also integrated light streaks underneath the cover, that light up when the music starts to play. So even at night the jukeboxes are a success. Furthermore, we made a movie of passengers who used the bins and danced on the trash tunes, and spread it online.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

In total, 50 jukebox were placed all over the city. Not only did people notice the bins more in the streets, but near the musical bins the urban litter dropped by 65%. Also on social media, the bins didn’t go unnoticed. The social movie was only spread in Belgium and had more than 240.000 views on Facebook. The Trash Tunes were mentioned in every Belgian newspaper and were a news item on the main national TV channels and abroad.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

This work is relevant for promo and activation, because there is a direct link between the decrease of garbage and the jukeboxes. But also, because it is a clever way of making people share their personal impression about the jukeboxes and to show off that they are already working on a cleaner city, which will inspire other people to do the same. Nothing is better than mouth to mouth communication and social pressure to do the right thing.

A clean neighbourhood is a shared responsibility. That’s why it is important to focus on the individual responsibility of every occupant. We choose to use the bins as the communications carrier. This way we didn’t only bet on the visibility of the bins, but also on the actual activation of the desired behaviour.