2016 Promo & Activation


Short List
Category C02. Use of Mobile
Idea Creation 2 PLAN.NET Munich, GERMANY
Name Company Position
Alexander Schill Serviceplan Global Chief Creative Officer
Markus Maczey Plan.Net Chief Creative Officer
Michael Reill Plan.Net Executive Creative Director
Axel Thomsen Plan.Net Executive Creative Director
Bernd Nagenrauft Plan.Net Creative Director
Friederike Froehlich Plan.Net Copywriter
Kathrin Vogl Plan.Net Copywriter
Andrea Prade Plan.Net Art Director
Verena Wenisch Plan.Net Account Manager
Kevin Wiekowski Plan.Net Art Assistant
Franz Roeppischer Serviceplan Creative Innovation Director
Lorenz Langgartner Plan.Net Creative Innovation Director

The Campaign

WhatsGerman is the first-ever language course for refugees on WhatsApp. The key thing: It`s not a separate app that you first have to install and use on its own. It’s based on a digital platform that’s already used a lot by refugees to stay in touch with their families: WhatsApp. Upon registration with the smartphone at www.whatsgerman.de, you’ll receive a lesson each day consisting of text, explanatory emojis and videos for pronunciation. Three courses that build upon each other are available to choose from: Course 1 – The Alphabet enables you to get to know the Latin alphabet. Course 2 – Daily Life makes daily living easier with useful vocabulary and short phrases about everyday themes like shopping. Course 3 – Basic Grammar offers an introduction to German grammar for advanced users. These courses were developed for WhatsApp together with language teachers. They are available in English, Arabic and soon other languages.

Campaign Success

WhatsGerman started on December, 14th 2015 and is continuously updated. WhatsGerman is not a separate app you have to install. It’s based on WhatsApp. Upon registration on www.whatsgerman.de, participants receive a lesson each day via WhatsApp consisting of text, emojis and videos. The messages are sent with an external broadcasting service. The company offers a backend with which the project is controlled and statistics are evaluated. It’s promoted with the help of print flyers and posters in refugee homes, social media and reporting/PR. From NGOs like Caritas to magazines (Page, Vice), and leading national newspapers like BILD and radio stations as well. The medial success of WhatsGerman is based only on earned media. Since early March Facebook is official partner of WhatsGerman providing a non-profit ad-campaign. WhatsGerman is also part of “Wir zusammen”, the refugee initiative of the German economy. It was featured in magazines and via TV ads.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The first Facebook post about WhatsGerman was shared 1.400 times in two days and more than 80,000 people registered in the first six weeks. That’s 17% of Arab-speaking refugees – and every day there are a thousand more. Currently there are 122.000 refugee participants. From NGOs like Caritas, to magazines (Page, Vice), and leading newspapers like BILD and radio stations e.g. Radio Bremen: The medial success of WhatsGerman is based on earned media. Thanks to the media coverage and the success of the initiative, Facebook and the economy`s refugee initiative “Wir zusammen” took notice of WhatsGerman and became partners. Facebook provided a non-profit ad-campaign, and “Wir zusammen” an increased media reach with ads in online- and print-magazines and via TV. But the biggest confirmation is the huge positive feedback from dozens of refugees using the course – often already written in German.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

WhatsGerman is the first-ever language course for refugees on WhatsApp. It’s relevant as it features communication with user activation. There are two ways of interaction: The registration on www.whatsgerman.de and more important, the daily usage of the German lessons, sent to the refugees` smartphones. WhatsGerman exactly hits the needs of the target group – refugees coming to German-speaking countries – and therefore activates them to take part. Using WhatsApp they face no barrier using it in a new way: To learn German. Promotion via flyer and poster in refugee homes, social media and reporting/PR.

Target group: More than a million refugees coming to German-speaking countries in 2015. Relevance: WhatsGerman uses a channel the target group has access to: WhatsApp. The use of emojis, to explain a language that even consists of alien letters, is typical for the communication via messenger. The application of video underlines an appropriate use of all WhatsApp features. The course contents (length, readability, choice of topics) were developed especially for WhatsApp. Our strategy is based on 3 pillars: 1. Almost every refugee has a smartphone and uses WhatsApp; 2. as the waiting time for an official language course is 3 months, the duration of our offer is 3 months. Bridging this time WhatsGerman offers an opportunity to learn German in a self-regulated way. 3. The lessons are currently available in English and Arabic, in order to reach more than half of the refugees coming to Germany.