2016 Promo & Activation


Silver Eurobest

Case Film

Presentation Image

Product/ServiceNORWEGIAN AIR
Category C04. Response / Real-time Activity
Entrant TRY Oslo, NORWAY
Idea Creation TRY Oslo, NORWAY
Media Placement VIZEUM Oslo, NORWAY
Name Company Position
Marius Aasen TRY (Oslo) Creative
Susanne Hovda TRY (Oslo) Creative
Inge Fosseie TRY (Oslo) Designer
Trond Sandø TRY Account Director
Ulla Birkrem TRY Account Manager
Tommy Lybekk TRY Motion Designer
Anette Myrseth Kristiansen Norwegian Norwegian Project Manager International Marketing
Liv Greben Norwegian Norwegian International Marketing Manager

The Campaign

A twist on what everyone was talking about. It gave people a pretty good reason to travel to Los Angeles, and a good reason to share the ad in social media.

Campaign Success

Print ads placed Norwegian newspaper VG, and the London newspaper Evening Standard. Facebook ads posted in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Italy, England and France. Executed on September 22.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

32% sales increase on the route over night 53,2M earned potential reach in social media alone 890 news articles and blog posts published globally 94% positive sentiment Brad awareness

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

Consumers are constantly looking for good content to post on their social media profiles. Instead of directly asking or encouraging that consumers should participate in an activity or competition, this campaign created shareable content that allowed consumers to actively promote our product by sharing it.

Using a current hot topic to engage the public and activate unpaid sharing in social media. Main target audience: Travellers based in Norway and the UK.