2016 Promo & Activation


Silver Eurobest

Case Film

Presentation Image

Category A04. Travel, Leisure, Retail, Restaurants & Fast Food Chains
Entrant & CO. Copenhagen, DENMARK
Idea Creation & CO. Copenhagen, DENMARK
Production NOA / &CO Copenhagen, DENMARK
Name Company Position
Robert Cerkez NoA / &Co. Creative Director
Tue Rossel NoA / &Co. Senior Copywriter
James Godfrey Freelancer Senior Copywriter
Jeppe Rønde Bacon, Copenhagen Director
Kristoffer Winther Sørensen NoA / &Co. Art Director
Ole Hoffmann NoA / &Co. Art Director

The Campaign

PROBLEM The travel search-engine momondo wants people to explore the world with an open mind. But that’s easier said than done, when a recent global study shows that 48% think that we have become less tolerant towards other cultures. SOLUTION momondo came up with a completely new way of travelling – The DNA Journey, where you don’t get to decide the destination. Your DNA does. We invited people from all over the world to talk about their nationality – on how they see themselves and others. Then we invited them to take a DNA test that shows where their ancestors are from, 500-2000 years back. The often surprising results made people realize that they have more in common with the world than they thought. The viewers of the filmed event were invited to take a test with the chance to win a DNA Journey to all places in their ancestry.

Campaign Success

The campaign was divided into one main movie and six individual portrait films. They were launched continually over the cause of two months from June 2nd on three media channels: Youtube, Facebook and a campaign website. Even though the films are available without an end-date, a loosely campaign period is from June 2nd 2016 to ultimo September 2016, where a winner of the DNA Journey is found.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

175 million views 4.4 billion media impressions 8.3 million engagements 380 million in total reach 170.000 sign-ups for DNA Journey competition

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The travel search engine momondo wants people to travel with an open mind. So they launched a totally new way of travelling: The DNA Journey, where you don’t decide the destination. Your DNA does.   In a global activation campaign, a viral film was in fact an invitation to sign up to win a DNA Kit, a personal DNA world map and eventually a personal DNA Journey.   More than 2 million people visited the campaign site and 170.000 people signed up and made the effort to write personal reasons for why they should win.

Momondo is a global travel search engine, but also a brand with a purpose; to fight against the boundaries, prejudices and comfort zones that continue to separate people and cultures throughout the world. Everyone is in our target group. Yet, even tough people travel more and people believe traveling make them more tolerant, prejudice and intolerance is on the rise. To change this, we needed to: 1. Re-estsblish the true value of traveling 2. Make the topic personal and engaging 3. Generate global impact with a limited budget