2016 Promo & Activation


Bronze Eurobest

Case Film

Presentation Image

Category B01. Guerrilla Marketing & Stunts
Idea Creation GRABARZ & PARTNER Hamburg, GERMANY
Media Placement MEDIACOM Düsseldorf, GERMANY
Additional Company VOLKSWAGEN Wolfsburg, GERMANY
Additional Company 2 CANDY MOUNTAIN Berlin, GERMANY
Name Company Position
Ralf Heuel Grabarz & Partner CCO and Partner
Reinhard Patzschke Grabarz & Partner CEO and Partner
Tobias Ahrens Grabarz & Partner Group CD
Christoph Stricker Grabarz & Partner Creative Director
Constantin Sossidi Grabarz & Partner Creative Director
Sebastian Locke Grabarz & Partner CD Digital
Julijus Rebic Grabarz & Partner CD Digital
Barbara Dirscherl Grabarz & Partner Art Director
Kaloyan Yanev Grabarz & Partner Art Director
Martin Bergmann Grabarz & Partner Art Director
Malik Benamara Grabarz & Partner Copywriter
Constantin Sossidi Grabarz & Partner Creativ Director
Richard Pietsch Grabarz & Partner Concept Digital
Jan Isterling Grabarz & Partner Group Head
Jasmin Schwarzinger Grabarz & Partner Account Supervisor
Stefan Kroke Grabarz & Partner Account Supervisor
Mareike Klotzbücher Grabarz & Partner Account Supervisor
Florian Kronenberg Grabarz & Partner Graphic Design
Jan Weber Grabarz & Partner Graphic Design
Lutz Kothe Volkswagen AG Head of Marketing
Jörn Hartig Volkswagen AG Head of Marketing Communication
Henning Teichmann Volkswagen AG Head of Classic Communication
Axel Neuhaus Volkswagen AG Head of Digital Marketing
Mirja Schneider Volkswagen AG Head of Media national and international
Bughard Puse Volkswagen AG Project Manager
Lucky Kids, Kinder- und Jugendchor der Rheinischen Musikschule Köln - Music
Lucky7even Entertainment GmbH - Second unit
Axel Doepner Grabarz & Partner Agency Producer
Julia Koop Grabarz & Partner Agency Producer

The Campaign

The idea was to let the products do the talking themselves. In real life. Why? Because if once you experience the incredible effect of e-mobility on big city life there is no question left as to whether this is the way to go. Also this was a chance for Volkswagen to claim something beyond a pure efficiency story. Something people recognize immediately: The quietness they all miss in the city and they all eagerly seek out when leaving for the countryside. Making people discover this directly is the most persuasive approach one can take. No tricks. No filter. Virtually no advertising. Just truth in a real environment.

Campaign Success

We flooded a roundabout in Hannover with Volkswagen e-vehicles and hybrids. With every car entering the roundabout the location got less noisy. At the moment when the traffic noise was gone, a children’s choir performed the world famous Depeche Mode song „Enjoy the silence“. Hundreds of excited pedestrians experienced live what a future with electric cars could feel like, or rather, sound like. Precisely timed, we unrolled a huge banner with our message. The live event was filmed and published as an online film, filled with emotion. At the end of the film we invited people to receive further information with a simple click. Together with the film this invitation was viewed over 9,000 000 times.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Within only two weeks the ETS landing page had over 30 000 relevant visits. As a result the traffic on Volkswagen´s e-mobility platform increased by ten times within just four weeks after the film was put online. The average stay was 5:34 minutes, meaning the visit duration increased by 72% during the campaign period. But there was more to come: the requests for test drives and further information exceeded all expectations. For example 2.246 new car configurations were made. The video itself was widely shared and discussed, putting Volkswagen on the public radar when it comes to future technology. After ten days, the film had been watched over 9 000 000 times, surpassing almost every other car campaign and at a fraction of the cost. Google searches for Volkswagen e-mobility were four times higher than expected. Overall the click-rate outperformed the Volkswagen all time, digital campaign benchmark by six times.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

To bring Volkswagen e-mobility back into consumers’ relevant set, we literally brought the products into their everyday life with a one-off promotional event. Real people experienced a real benefit. For the first time people could really feel how e-mobility can make their life better: bringing the silence back into the city. Being part of this live product demonstration right at the heart of Germany’s loudest city, people were engaged and from here inspired to discover Volkswagen’s e-car fleet and spread the word in social networks, like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

We had two different target groups: The first one consists of the pedestrians and tourists who would experience „Enjoy the silence“ first hand and live. The larger second target group consists of people generally interested in cars who might consider buying a new one in the near future. They are interested in innovative concepts, care for their families a lot and want to preserve a healthy environment for them. These people search for relevant information on the internet. The strategy was to make use of the fact that Volkswagen e-mobility is widely underestimated. So the authenticty of reactions towards our cars on the road helped to convince the much larger target group to see the brand in a different light. In addition to that, our goal to increase the traffic on the Volkswagen e-mobility platform could be achieved more easily whilst talking to people right in front of their computers.