2016 Promo & Activation


Bronze Eurobest

Case Film

Presentation Image

Category A05. Media & Publications
Name Company Position
Antoinette Ribas DDB Brussels Art Director
Gregory Ginterdaele DDB Brussels Copywriter
Peter Ampe DDB Brussels Creative Director
Odin Saillé DDB Brussels Creative Director
Romy Vierhouten DDB Brussels Account Executive
Maarten Breda DDB Brussels Producer
Maarten Van Daele DDB Brussels Strategic Planner
Sven Verfaille DDB Brussels Graphic Designer
Francis Lippens DDB Brussels Business Director
Kenn Van Lijsebeth DDB Brussels PR Manager
Christophe Gesquière DDB Brussels Web Developer

The Campaign

We decided to give “starman” David Bowie his very own constellation. Together with the Royal Belgian Observatory we identified 7 stars in the form of Bowie’s iconic thunderbolt and named it ‘Stardust for Bowie'. The thunderbolt became the key visual of a digital mourning place, a microsite were all Bowie fans could upload their music in the universe with a personal message."It was not easy to identify the appropriate stars," says Philippe Mollet from MIRA. "Studio Brussels asked us to give Bowie a unique place in the galaxy. Referring to his various albums, we chose seven stars - Sigma Librae, Spica, Alpha Virginis, Zeta Centauri, SAA 204 132, and the Beta Sigma Octantis Trianguli Australis - in the vicinity of Mars at the exact time of his death. The constellation looks like an exact copy of the iconic Bowie lightning. "

Campaign Success

Stardust for Bowie was launched one day after David Bowie’s death. In a few hours it became a mourning place for millions of Bowie fans. On in integrated platform, linked to Google Sky, everyone could say goodbye to David Bowie in their own way. By choosing their favourite song, writing a personal message, and adding it to a star within the constellation.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Without any paid media, 200.000 people said goodbye to David Bowie on the website and we collected 1.1 million shares and comments on social media. Stardust for Bowie dominated the global press, accounting for a total of 13.3 billion impressions. (source:Talkwalker) It gave fans a chance to say goodbye in their own way.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

David Bowie was one of the biggest music stars the world has ever known. When he died he left the world in shock. We wanted to create the tribute a star like him deserves. That's why Belgian radio station Studio Brussel created 'Stardust for Bowie' in collaboration with MIRA, the Royal Belgian Observatory. One day later, Stardust For Bowie became the most viral article in the global press.(source: Talkwalker). This reinforced Studio Brussel's image as the leading pop & rock station in Belgium. Living up to its baseline "Life is music".

It’s borderline impossible to properly pay respects to a musician as massive as David Bowie. Studio Brussels wanted to give David Bowie a fitting tribute: an own constellation. Along with public observatory MIRA, Studio Brussel registered seven stars in the form of Bowie’s iconic thunderbolt. Bowie takes on a symbolic place alongside the 88 existing constellations. The homage to the 'Starman' is linked to an online action "Stardust for Bowie" developed on Google Sky. Listeners and fans of Bowie can create a personal tribute in the Bowie constellation on www.stardustforbowie.be. Each visitor may assign a favourite song and leave a short personal text in the shape of a star.