2016 Promo & Activation


Short List
Category D01. Launch / Re-launch
Idea Creation CP+B SCANDINAVIA Copenhagen, DENMARK
Media Placement BE ON (AOL NETWORKS) Copenhagen, DENMARK
Name Company Position
Kristoffer Gandsager CP+B Copenhagen Creative Director
Mathias Birkvad CP+B Copenhagen Strategic Director
Martin Klein Sørensen CP+B Copenhagen Designer
Mark Rif Torbensen CP+B Copenhagen Senior Art Director
Cathrine Understrup CP+B Copenhagen Art Director
Sofia Brockenhuus-Schack CP+B Copenhagen Project Manager
Thomas Busch A Matter Of Business Film Producer
Jesper Ærø Warner Brothers Film Director
Rasmus Bendtsen Carlsberg Group Global Marketing Manager

The Campaign

In 2014, the scientists at the Carlsberg Laboratory had made an extraordinary discovery. They’d succeeded in recreating the very first purified yeast from a few living yeast cells that quite surprisingly had survived 133 years in a beer bottle from 1883. This gave us the idea to re-brew the original lager that founded the entire modern beer-industry. To get beer bloggers and other beer enthusiasts interested in the project, we knew we had to brew the beer in the most authentic manner. So we went into the brewery’s archive and found from old, detailed descriptions of the original lager’s ingredients, recipes and techniques, and used this to brew the beer in the exact same way and with the exact same ingredients as in 1883.

Campaign Success

In May when the brew was done, we kicked off the project by inviting beer bloggers and key international journalists to Copenhagen for the very first tasting. After the event, we continued with a broader PR outreach to beer bloggers and news and lifestyle media. On the day of the PR event, we opened the campaign site where consumers would be able to read more about the rebrew and sign up for local tasting events. In the weeks after the launch event, we gave the beer away to prominent figures like Steve Hawkins, which generated further buzz around the campaign. In August, we began the Rebrew Tour consisting of tasting events across Carlsberg markets giving local media and consumers who’d signed up, the opportunity to taste the beer. Lastly we made a TV documentary about the rebrew project, which has been sold and will air in 2017.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The story spread across the globe from beer influencers to the broader media, generating a total of 700M+ impressions. But most importantly, the campaign generated a large number of lengthy, in-depth articles about Carlsberg’s quality in the most trustworthy sources within the category: beer blogs. The campaign got beer influencers and consumers across all of Carlsberg’s markets to talk about the quality of Carlsberg once again. As a result of the campaign, the brand’s quality perception grew by 200% and purchase preference grew by 100%.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

By re-brewing a 133-year-old beer and giving consumers across the world the opportunity to taste it, we developed an ongoing brand-promotion that the target audience was eager to get involved with. Since the global launch event in Copenhagen in May, we’ve held local tasting events across Carlsberg’s markets, engaging new consumers and media every time. Hereby, we’ve managed to activate the brand and generate buzz around the campaign on a reoccurring basis.

The campaign targeted men aged 25-34 - the biggest beer consumers worldwide. To reach this audience, we decided to focus on engaging the key influencers within the beer category: Beer Bloggers. The campaign was divided into two waves. The first wave was kicked off with a big PR event in Copenhagen for beer bloggers and key news and lifestyle journalists. Here the aim was to spread the story and the campaign CTA of encouraging consumers to sign up for local tastings. In addition to the PR event we also shared the beer with prominent figures like Steve Hawkins, which generated further buzz around the campaign. The second wave included local tasting events across Carlsberg markets for local media and those consumers who’d signed up on the website.