2016 Promo & Activation


Short List
Category A08. Charities, Public Health & Safety, Public Awareness Messages
Entrant MARCEL Paris, FRANCE
Idea Creation MARCEL Paris, FRANCE
Production 2 MATHEMATIC Paris, FRANCE
Additional Company NOÉ Paris, FRANCE
Additional Company 2 PRODIGIOUS Paris, FRANCE
Additional Company 3 THE GORILLA FOUNDATION Redwood City, USA
Name Company Position
Arnaud Greth Noé CEO
Valerie Colin Noé Chief administrative officer
Caroline Morice Noé Chief communication officer
Pascal Nessim / Charles Georges-Picot Marcel CEOs
Anne de Maupeou Marcel Creative Chairman
Dimitri Guerassimov / Fabien Teichner Marcel Chief Creative Officers
Ali Qamari / Pierre Delort Marcel Art Directors
Damien Lebreuilly Marcel Copywriter
Nicolas Levy Marcel Head of planning
Blandine Mercier Marcel Associate director
Emilie Jeanneau Publicis Account executive
Manon Lapeyre Marcel Project Manager
Nathalie Roland / Mélanie Colléou Marcel PR Directors
Christophe Serret / Cédric Nirousset Marcel Technical project manager / Developper
Pierre LeGoff Marcel Video assistant
Erinn Guillon Insurrection Producer/ Post producer
Guillaume Marien Mathematic Post-producer
François Vacherot / Boris Nicou Prodigious Sound designer / Producer
Koko The Gorilla Foundation Voice of nature
Penny Patterson / Gary Stanley The Gorilla Foundation Co-Founder, President & Director of Research / Executive Director

The Campaign

So we decided to find a way for Nature to crash the COP21 debates and make it’s voice heard. And who better than Koko, the gorilla mastering more than 1000 words in sign language and famous for having conversations with humans to become: “The voice of nature”.

Campaign Success

To deliver her message, Koko was interviewed by Penny Paterson, Director of Research at the Gorilla Foundation, and the result has been edited to a short video. Finally, nov. 30th 2015, Koko spoke to the attendants of the COP 21 summit. And of course, to people all around the world via Facebook and Youtube videos and a smart seeding strategy. During the whole duration of summit, people could go visit our website to sign the petition and contact the countries representatives on twitter to ask them to hurry to find solutions for the planet.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Koko’s message has quickly spread from the COP 21 Summit alleys, to TV shows and social networks, generating conversations all over the globe, winning millions of supporters to Koko’s cause. All those passionate debates have generated an incredible result: 70+ million organic views on Facebook and Youtube, 2 millions + shares, 110.000.000+ media impressions, and thousand signed petitions on the dedicated NatureSeeYou.com website. This is an unprecedented result for a French non-profit association.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

This work is P&A material because this is a integrated activation with a clear call to action: signing a petition to help the protection of biodiversity to be included in the COP21 agreement. Physical material and flyers on-site of the COP21 and digital elements of the campaign were used to generate an interaction and make people participate to spread Nature’s message and influence the COP21 debates.

People don’t listen to politicians anymore because nobody believes anymore the things they are saying. Politicians create no empathy. They fail to make you care about nature. By having a real representative of Nature as a spoke-person – Koko, the famous gorilla - the goal was to really move people and make them realize that nature is witnessing us destroying the very planet we share. The strategy was to create a provocative, emotional, shareable, and conversational object to spread on digital and social platforms.