2016 Promo & Activation


Bronze Eurobest

Case Film

Presentation Image

Category A08. Charities, Public Health & Safety, Public Awareness Messages
Entrant McCANN Madrid, SPAIN
Idea Creation McCANN Madrid, SPAIN
Name Company Position
Mónica Moro Mccann Spain General Creative Director
Jon Lavin Mccann Spain Executive Creative Director
Raquel Martínez Mccann Spain Executive Creative Director
Miguel Moreno Mccann Spain Copywritter
Matías Iván Visciglia Mccann Spain Art Director
Ana Martín Mccann Spain Copywritter
María Cordero Mccann Spain Copywritter

The Campaign

What would happen if we give the opportunity to express their opinion to the more than 8,300,000 Spanish children? Probably the electoral proposals would totally change. Finally, on 11th December took place the child’s voting in some schools where Save the Children collaborates. The action was focused as a social experiment where we taught children the functioning of democracy in our country and we recreated all the elements needed to vote: ballot boxes, ballots, envelopes, lists, etc.

Campaign Success

The action has been broadly welcomed in social media with around 800,000 impacts, creating an interesting debate about the role of the children in the political agenda. Furthermore, it has been widely disseminated in the media. Children have shown themselves excited and they have participated with great joy.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

As a result of the Save the Children campaign and the interviews to the main political leaders, other centers have copy the action and have made their own children’s voting. Political parties have included some of the measures proposed by Save the Children in their political agenda. The real result is that for the first time in elections children have had political voice. The campaign has been widely disseminated in the mass media and it has opened a public debate.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

- It deserves to win because we made it so that politicians were aware of children requests and include them in their political agenda - It deserves to win because our campaign has been a reference to other countries as South Korea making the same campaign with the political class of their country. - It deserves to win because for the first time during the electoral period we have given voice to children

We interviewed the main six political leaders in order to show children the functioning of the electoral programme: Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, Pedro Sánchez, Albert Rivera, Pablo Iglesias, Alberto Garzón and Andrés Herzog. Both the interviews, made by children, and the video announcing the celebration of the voting are avilabe online in the official site of the campaign www.votacionesinfantiles.org