2016 Promo & Activation


Short List
Category C01. Use of Digital Platforms
Entrant SID LEE Paris, FRANCE
Idea Creation SID LEE Paris, FRANCE
Production PARTIZAN Paris, FRANCE
Name Company Position
Sylvain Thirache SID LEE Paris Executive Creative Director
Celine et Clement Mornet Landa SID LEE Paris Creative Directors
Yoann Plard & Jules Jolly SID LEE Paris Art Directors
Johan Delpuech SID LEE Paris Managing Partner
Bruno Lee SID LEE Paris Deputy General Manager
Jean-baptiste Destabeau SID LEE Paris Account Director
Thomas Lec’hvien SID LEE Paris Account Manager
Thomas Laget SID LEE Paris Production Director
Pauline Couten SID LEE Paris Producer
David Bismut SID LEE Paris Digital production Director
Clement Cassajus SID LEE Paris Digital producer
Christophe Pingard PagesJaunes Executive Director
Julien Ampollini PagesJaunes Deputy Executive Director
Gérard Lenepveu PagesJaunes Brand and Advertising Director SoLocal Group
Yann Drumare PagesJaunes Advertising and Media Manager SoLocal Group
Isabelle Druesne PagesJaunes Communication Manager
Breakbot Ed Banger Artist
Ed Banger Ed Banger Label
Because music Because music Record Company
AB / CD / CD Partizan Director Clip My Toy
Dimitri Pailhe Director brand content
60fps Digital production
Xénia Gasull Fashion designer
Catherine Ematchoua Choreographer:

The Campaign

We offered local businesses a one-of-a-kind occasion to give them some visibility and present their savoir-faire to the consumers : the official music video of « my toy », the new track by Breakbot, the famous electro band from label Ed Banger (Justice, Laurent Garnier).We made the first music video entirely produced with the help of small businesses referenced on Yellow Pages. With an interactive version to enable the internet user to click and discover the forty small businesses that are behind every single detail of the music video. Through short videos in which Breakbot introduces the small businesses to the users in person. And that enables the user to book appointments with the professionnals.

Campaign Success

Created as a digital experience, the launch of the official clip has been synchronized with the promotion of Breakbot’s new album, so that the interactive video was the avant-premie?re broadcast of the clip worldwide. We used own channels, both from Ed Banger’s & from the local professional to promote the experience, creating a sense of conversation with the audience. The making of the interactive video was pushed with media buy on youtube to ensure mainstream coverage 2 weeks after the launch.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Seen in the press, online and on TV The track My Toy has been performed on most of the biggest French talk shows and has been in the French top 5. The content linked to My Toy has been seen over 1,2M times on Youtube. 2,5M on Facebook and 4,6M on Twitter. 8,3M view total, the equivalent of a media campaign for a big company.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

This case shows is about a shift from a classic media brand (PagesJaunes.fr was purely TV campaign oriented) to a human centered platform, meant to create experiences, conversation & relationships.

Brand tracker study shows that 67% of users of PagesJaunes.fr consider the service only from a functional view : accurate, trustworthy, efficient. We sum it up into a consumer quote : PagesJaunes is like a toothbrush : "we use it every day, but you never think of it". To challenge the main competitors : google, airbnb, Yelp we decided to : 1- get rid of the functionalities in communication. 2- focus on the people who develop small independant businesses. 3- be truly generous with them. 4- focus on young adults