2016 Promo & Activation


Short List
Category B03. Use of Exhibitions / Installations
Idea Creation SCHOLZ & FRIENDS Berlin, GERMANY
Name Company Position
Matthias Spaetgens Scholz & Friends Chief Creative Officer
Robert Krause Scholz & Friends Managing Creative Director
Mathias Rebmann Scholz & Friends Creative Director
Björn Kernspeckt Scholz & Friends Creative Director
Max Marohn Scholz & Friends Art Director
René Gebhardt Scholz & Friends Art Director
Nils Busche Scholz & Friends Copywriter
Johannes Stoll Scholz & Friends Photographer
Nick Anderson n/a Illustrator
Janine Ginzel Scholz & Friends Account Manager
Julia Klemann Scholz & Friends Account Manager
Kristin Ammon Scholz & Friends Agency Producer
Mantas Jockus n/a Cinematographer
Daniel Klessig Scholz & Friends Editor
Sebastian Thiel Scholz & Friends Technical Project Manager
Erik Tannhäuser n/a Sculptor

The Campaign

The idea was to show people that they have the power to stop torture. That’s why Amnesty International created the "Fountain of torture". A monument that shows the horrors of waterboarding but can easily be stopped by donating.

Campaign Success

The monument was set up in several German cities in autumn 2015. Every opening ceremony was attended by local politicians, celebrities and former torture victims giving the idea additional media attention. Amnesty’s website also featured a digital version of the fountain.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

One Euro was enough to stop torture temporarily for one minute. Cash donations alone amounted over 30,000 €. But Amnesty’s real success can’t be measured in Euros. They created a media picture that was spread rapidly by the press and social media. Torture that used to be an "other people’s problem" became a topic that moved hundreds of thousands. Amnesty International won thousands of new supporters. The average donation increased by an average of nearly 11%.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The fountain of torture promotion successfully activated the majority of Germans that are strictly against torture but refrained from donating – because in their lives torture usually is an "invisible" problem.

Since Guantanamo the most well known symbol for torture is waterboarding. A form of torture that “simulates” painful drowning. To raise donations, Amnesty International confronted potential supporters with the horrors of torture where they least expected it: in their favorite shopping malls. This is where Amnesty created The fountain of torture. People could stop the waterboarding by donating at the interactive monument, via text messaging or on the Amnesty website.