Category I02. Challenger Brand
Idea Creation RADON CREATIVE Stockholm, SWEDEN
Media Placement RADON CREATIVE Stockholm, SWEDEN
Production RADON CREATIVE Stockholm, SWEDEN
Post Production RADON CREATIVE Stockholm, SWEDEN
Name Company Position
Maja Haraldsson Radon Creative Senior Project Manager
Alexandra Arvidson Radon Creative Creative copywrite
Furkan Bayraktar Radon Creative Developer
Leo Köhler Radon Creative Motion
Anton Nicolau Noren Radon Creative Editor
Marcus Lundin Radon Creative Director
Erik Skånmyr Hero Radon Creative Agency Producer
Johanna Lindberg Radon Creative PR lead
Petrus Lidbeck Radon Creative Editor
Frida Sarachu Nilsson Radon Creative Project manager
Andreas Knutsson Radon Creative Designer
Christopher McClaren Radon Creative Paid media lead
Oliver Powers Radon Creative Paid media
Christoffer McKie Radon Creative Designer
Christian Persson Radon Creative Developer
Karolin Gu Radon Creative Motion designer
Albin Sjödin Freelance Director Of Photography
City Father . Freelance Music Artist
Ponytail⁣⁣⁣ . Ponytail⁣⁣⁣ Sound
Miles Lembke⁣⁣⁣ Freelance Grade
Johan Broome⁣⁣⁣ Freelance Set designer
Sofi Gregersdotter Freelance Stylist
Soley Astudottir Freelance Hair and make up
XO Mgmt, The Talent Group and Art Official . Freelance Talent, etc
Gabriella Engdahl Freelance Actor
Peter Lundhall Freelance Actor
Anette Otterström RFSU Nordic brand manager
Christina Gjerluf Brantling RFSU Marketing manager
Pelle Ullholm RFSU Sex ed


Increased use of condoms is directly correlated with decreased STDs and unwanted pregnancies. Research by RFSU has found that an increasing percentage of young adults are not using condoms when sleeping with someone new. The long term objective for RFSU is to close The Condom Gap, the gap between the 80% of the target group that has the ambition to use a condom when sleeping with someone new, but only 45% of them make it happen (16-35 years, Scandinavia). The first initiative started in 2018 and aimed to start an unfiltered conversation about condoms (the good and the bad) as well as making condoms sexy, to inspire young people to use them more often. Dear Condom II is a continuation of the Dear Condom initiative, expanding the conversation around effective communication with sexual partners.

Describe the strategy

Half of young Scandinavians claim they want to improve their communication skills around sex. And of those people, almost 70% claim that the condom could be a tool to communicate when they want to have sex*. In the post #metoo era, communication and consent are more important than ever, and our target group (Gen Z) takes a clear stance on these social issues. The strategic approach was to highlight the importance of communication during sex with the primary objective to inspire young swedes to dare to communicate better with their sexual partner, and secondarily to increase the use of condoms when sleeping with someone new. To do this, we launched an explicit interactive film that shows the naked truth – literally – of what young people are thinking in the heat of the moment. The interactive short film shows an intense and heartfelt encounter between two people and the narrative

Describe the execution

To create a seamless interactive experience the film had to be filmed twice - from each perspective - to make the storytelling intricate and smooth, knowing the young target group would not suit for anything less. And to do the story justice, we built a custom interactive video player smoothly synchronizing two video tracks with the audio. And then backed it all up with fancy WebGL shaders for some sexy UI flair. To best communicate the two stories, subtitles are coded in different colors, strengthening the parallel storytelling throughout the film. To surpass major blocking in social media, we let a number of artists and influential profiles share their own “secret sex thoughts” on Instagram where the posts highlighted universal truths about sex that a lot of us think but do not dare to say out loud, breaking

List the results

+8% increase in condom use from 2018 to 2019 - an important step decreasing the condom gap (the attitude-behavior gap). +2,5% of brand awareness from 2019 to 2020. +10,5% in preference från 2019-2020. 9-minute coverage during prime time on Swedish news program TV4-morning (08.00) as well as media coverage both national and international. The target group spent an average of 3-min per site visit, and the site had a bounce rate average of 12%. The time on site and bounce rate is still at these levels several months after the launch, attracting daily visitors. The platform frequently is used by schools, universities, and youth clinics across the Nordics.

Please tell us about how the work challenged / was different from the brands competitors

A “small” brand with ambitions: Pushing the whole condom category Condoms are not a clinical, necessary evil that you should use because you have to. Rather, they are a statement: a way to show that we respect and care for ourselves and other people. ‘Dear Condom’ is about amplifying that message and shifting the conversation about condoms – from being the subject of stigma and prejudice to become a provider of freedom. RFSU is a challenger in terms of putting all resources in what they believe in and having the giants follow their lead.