Product/ServiceMIR CARD
Category G02. Challenger Brand
Entrant NSPK MIR Moscow, RUSSIA
Idea Creation ADWISE Moscow, RUSSIA
Name Company Position
Andrey Kambulov ADWISE Creative Group Head

Why is this work relevant for Direct?

We found a way to insert our message: inside traffic fine tickets that drivers receive by mail or inside apps that are used to pay traffic fines. This allowed to reach our target audience directly and exactly at the moment when message is most relevant.


MIR is the new Russian card payment system and direct competitor to Visa and Mastercard, which have dominated the market for years. “MIR” wanted increase its share of the “Traffic fines” category - so launched a campaign for commission free payments of traffic fines in June 2019. The target audience for this campaign included all car owners living in Mocow, all of whom potentially need to pay a traffic fine. Paying a fine is not pleasant for any driver. Anyone who gets a traffic

Describe the creative idea (30% of vote)

We decided to "hack" the traffic control system by placing branded vehicles in plane site of traffic cameras. This way our branded vehicles made their way to the pictures that come with traffic fine

Describe the strategy (20% of vote)

We were guaranteed to get the attention of our audience by performing the most audacious and largest hackvertising campaign in the history of Russian advertising. We explored the Moscow, and identified the places with the highest volume of traffic violations Then we placed our specially branded cars in those locations in full view of the cameras. The Branded ‘MIR Payment’ cars had our promotion message clearly written on them. When any driver is photographed breaking the rules, they receive photographic evidence and clearly visible in the photograph is our car– with our commission free payment offer. Fines were received for Speeding, Expired parking and Road markings violations – in each fine our Mir commission free payment offer clearly visible.

Describe the execution (20% of vote)

We branded 10 cars that travelled the streets of Moscow city for 10 days during 1 month

List the results (30% of vote)

1) Increase in the number of “Traffic fines” transactions on government website ‘GOSUSLUGI’ using MIR card, from 11% to 14,3 for all Russia and a 50% increase – from 7,6% to 11,4% in Moscow. 2) Number of MIR cards linked to online GOSUSLUGI user profiles increased by 57% compared to the start of the campaign (4,5 million in December vs. 2,8 million in June). 3) Also the overall share of transactions with MIR cards on the website increased from 14% to 19%. Source: data by Rostelecom, the official provider of Gosuslugi website in 2019. - ‘High informative value of the campaign – 71% - “I really like this idea”– 68% of all respondents Communication effectiveness indicators: OTS (the frequency of media exposure): 1) “Parking” execution: 1 280 640 contacts 2) “Marked lanes/speeding violations” execution: 720 670 contacts 3) “Tow truck service” execution: 106 656 contacts

Please tell us about how the work challenged / was different from the brands competitors

No other brands ever used this type of mechanic