This story introduces us to Hanna Bumblebee who believes in her dream of flying, even though she’s raised in a world in which bumblebees are convinced that their small wings and relatively large bodies make it impossible for them to do so. But young Hanna isn’t willing to accept that, so we follow Hanna and her partner-in-crime Max on their countless attempts to fly. Until they find an unexpected means to finally lift off.
Cultural / Context information for the jury
The aim of the Erste Banking Group’s #believeinyourself campaign – which has been running since 2017 – is to encourage people to believe in themselves whilst having a reliable partner on their side who believes in them too. That way, together, dreams can become a reality. Which is why, during the holiday season, the brand wanted to send an inspiring message aimed at everyone who dares to dream.
Tell the jury about type(s) of animation used and summarise any relevant challenges or techniques.
#HannaBumblebee is a heartwarming story told in painstakingly animated 3D CG. Capturing a truly unique and recognisable look, the animated bees were rendered to feel tactile, like real miniatures. With big emotive eyes that draw you in, the bees have tiny wings that, with a bit of self-belief, achieve lift off in the end. (Beyond modelling, it was important to achieve a look akin to that of a stop-motion film.)