Product/ServiceBURGER KING
Category D05. Interactive / Immersive Experiences
Entrant INGO Stockholm, SWEDEN
Idea Creation INGO Stockholm, SWEDEN
Production INGO Stockholm, SWEDEN
Name Company Position
Björn Ståhl INGO Stockholm ECD
Max Hultberg INGO Stockholm Senior Art Director
Magnus Ivansson INGO Sgtockholm Senior Copywriter
Simon Stefansson INGO Sgtockholm Head of planning
Stefan Kindberg INGO Sgtockholm Creative Technologist
Anna Baker INGO Stockholm Account manager
Rickard Allstrin INGO Stockholm Account executive
Frida Nordström Millton PR
Filip Enochson Miltton PR
Susanne Persson Verizon Media PR

Cultural / Context information for the jury

In 2016 McDonalds retired their clown Ronald McDonald, and he has not been seen much since. Where did he go? This campaign made him appear again at Halloween, inside the bathrooms of Burger King in major Scandinavian cities. If you called upon him three times a scary clown showed up in the mirror accompanied by sound and light effects. The idea is a play on the legendary game “Bloody Mary” where the ghost of Mary is said to appear in a mirror if you call on her three times. The legend emerged in the early 1960s as a party game and has since appeared in into multiple popular novels, movies and TV-series like Paranormal Activity and the X-files. She also played a big part in chain letters that was circulating online in the early 1990s. ‘Bloody Mary” is a game that almost everybody, no matter age, has experienced.

Write a short summary of the ambient work.

Voice recognition software detects if the phrase “cancelled clown” has been repeated three times. If it does, a combination of sound, light and visual effects is played on a screen behind the two-way “smart mirror”.