Winners & Shortlists

2014 Branded Content & Entertainment


Entrant Company BUZZMAN Paris, FRANCE
Contributing Company 2 BUZZMAN Paris, FRANCE
Contributing Company LABELIUM Paris, FRANCE
Production Company ICONOCLAST Paris, FRANCE
Production Company 2 WE ARE ANONYMOUS Paris, FRANCE
Production Company 3 WE ARE FROM L.A. Paris, FRANCE
Name Company Position
Georges Mohammed Chérif BUZZMAN Ceo/Creative Director
Thomas Granger BUZZMAN Vice President
Julien Levilain BUZZMAN Associate Director
Santiago Cosme BUZZMAN Artistic Director
Miguel Durão BUZZMAN Copywriter
Olivier Lopez BUZZMAN Account Manager
Loïc Coelho BUZZMAN Account Executive
Laurent Marcus BUZZMAN Head Of Digital Production
Lara Jane Lelièvre BUZZMAN Digital Producer
Julien Scaglione BUZZMAN Head Of Social Media
Joeffrey Arruyer BUZZMAN Social Media Consultant
Vanessa Barbel BUZZMAN Head Of Tv/Print Production
Elodie Poupeau BUZZMAN Tv/Print Producer
Cyril Paglino BUZZMAN Head Of Communication/Pr
Clara Bascoul Gauthier BUZZMAN Communication/Pr Manager
Adrien Armanet Iconoclast Director
Vanessa Chabrel Bic/Tipp/Ex Marketing/Digital Director
Nathalie Hoffherr Bic/Tipp/Ex Marketing Manager Europe
Maria Martini Bic/Tipp/Ex Senior Product Manager Correction And Marketing Europe
Iris Chatelier Bic/Tipp/Ex Assistant Product Manager

The Campaign

- In France Branded Entertainement is not very developped and has short programs such as "Du côté de chez nous" by Leroy Merlin wich are more institutionnal and even functional but not entertaining or fun. - However the branded entertainement can be reprensented by TV stations buying collective such as Canal+ did with Studio Bagel or M6 with Golden Moustache. They use their program as an enterntainement guarentee.


After the sucess of “a hunter shoots a bear” and “the hunter and the bear birthday party” had, the challenge for Buzzman was to find a new idea by keeping the great duo. So, how to dominate the web with an already seen duo? By adding a third new character! The first person we thought about was Pharell, because he embodies what we needed: the star, loved in France and abroad, a social media VIP. We decided to continue our saga on the web,because our target was there but not on Youtube. This year, Tipp-Ex®, N°1 correction brand in Europe,Bic® and Pharrell Williams go together to make history by creating thefirst participatory book instantly translated into 5 languages. The idea: Tipp-Ex® and Buzzman asked Pharrell to write a book about the source of his inspiration. A few hours before the book launch, struck by panic due to fierce readers seeking to steal the book, the bear decided to cover the whole book with Tipp-Ex® to protect its contents. With this blunder starts a new Tipp-Ex® adventure ... To participate, you will have to enter the cabin of the hunter and the bear and help find the thousands of words, which have been covered in the book. The hunter, the bear and even Pharrell will be there at every moment with hints to help you complete the book. The more words you find, the closer your name will be in the credits alongside Pharrell Williams. In order to help people find the hidden words, the two brand heroes (the hunter and the bear) would give some hints via several humoristic interventions. Once completed by users, the “Social Book” will be printed and published. Profits will be donated to an organization supporting disadvantaged children as they attempt to, hopefully, rewrite their lives.

To draw to the content we used: -The popularity of Pharrell Williams, who has 3,43 Millions of followers on twitter and 6.6 millions of likes on his facebook page. We new that with a simple tweet or post he would help us obtaining a huge visibility on social media. -A PR activation: we sent the book with all the words covered by our product Tipp-Ex, to the most famous blogers and magazines of France, Europe and USA. -And twitter and a facebook page written in 5 different languages, the same five languages in which the book was written.

Our followers loved the first two Tipp-Ex campaign and what they really loved was the originality of our advertising and the possibility to interact and be an active protagonist for the creation of contents. We knew that this two points, interaction and originality, were the key of our success and we had to use it, but this time in a different way. We kept the little scenes between the hunter and the bear, but the frame was completely different: with our socialbook. Results 120 131 visits on the website 744 976 views in the video + 13K shares on social network + 276 apparitions in media 155 countries reached +144,8 M of people potentially reached 1,88 M of earned media About the website performance 125 000 visits 2min50 of average time spent 26,05 % average bounce rate 6285 accounts created 101897 words found 866 103 hints used