Winners & Shortlists


Entrant Company SCHOLZ & VOLKMER Wiesbaden, GERMANY
Advertising Agency SCHOLZ & VOLKMER Wiesbaden, GERMANY
Name Company Position
Michael Volkmer Scholz/Volkmer Gmbh Executive Creative Direction
Manfred Kraft Scholz/Volkmer Gmbh Technical Direction
Tom Kresin Freelancer Product Design
Manfred Kraft Scholz/Volkmer Gmbh Product Design
Nanna Beyer Scholz/Volkmer Gmbh Concept
Till Ulmer Scholz/Volkmer Gmbh Concept
Thomas Kuester Scholz/Volkmer Gmbh Development
Florian Finke Scholz/Volkmer Gmbh Development
Tai Lueckerath Scholz/Volkmer Gmbh Art Direction App

Brief Explanation

The project aims to support cycling sustainably. Its principle is simple – we record the routes taken by cyclists using an app and aggregate them on a map, which identifies routes with high bike traffic that are suitable for cycling lanes. The objective is to extend the biking infrastructure based on it. Each journey is therefore a vote in favour of cycling. To generate publicity, we developed a drawing machine that was exhibited in the state museum. It visualised the biking paths, providing a striking representation of real-time biking traffic. It was targeted at political and business circles, increasing media coverage.

The Brief

The "Change your city for cyclists" project aims to improve bicycle traffic. Wiesbaden was ranked the least bike-friendly city in Germany by the German Cycling Federation's test (ADFC). This is due to the city's weak biking infrastructure and the lack of an active lobby. We decided to change this by making cyclists in Wiesbaden visible. As a climate-neutral agency, sustainable ideas and action are integrated into our business model. We take responsibility and believe that we can bring about change. We want our employees to live in a sustainable city and believe that bike traffic is part of this.

How the final design was conceived

Our original goal was to do something to support cyclists. Initially, we considered mounting GPS trackers on bikes, but that was not scalable. So we developed the app – keeping it simple. Its basic functions are to track the routes and generate the heat map – the heart of our campaign. The heat map makes the concentration of routes as visible as possible. It was important that this was transferred to the work of art, so we implemented the works of art on black paper with gel pens. When the pens draw on top of each other, there is an overlapping effect.

Indication of how successful the outcome was in the market

Each kilometre that is travelled by bike saves CO2 emissions compared to travel by car. During the campaign, we already saved more than 4.5 tonnes of CO2. The app tracked over 22,000 km and identified the routes that were frequently taken and suitable for cycling lanes. The art installation extended contact to political, business and research circles. The "production" of the works of art encouraged many people to start cycling so that they could create their own artworks. In addition, it attracted attention internationally, resulting in enquiries from other cities and partners. Internationalisation of the campaign is planned.