Winners & Shortlists


Advertising Agency ANTI BERGEN, NORWAY
Name Company Position
Endre Berentzen Anti Inc Bergen AS Executive Creative Director
Robert Dalen Anti Inc Bergen AS Managing Director
Eric Amaral Rohter Anti Inc Bergen AS Associate Creative Director
Sindre Holm Anti Inc Bergen AS Production Designer
Filipe Ferreira Anti Inc Bergen AS Designer
Magne Sandnes Photographer Magne Sandnes Photographer

Brief Explanation

One of our key objectives was to represent the complex and often abstract nature of Intellectual Property in a tangible way, while rethinking traditional communication within their industry. We wanted to challenge how one can represent the intangible, finding a way to deliver the vital complexities of law and intellectual property through a visual system of adaptation, that allowed the identity to continually grow and adapt to the needs of the future. We wanted to bring a more visible, human element to intellectual property through the use of documentation and story telling that follows the creative process of their clients.

The Brief

Acapo, one of Norway’s leading intellectual property law firms, had struggled with their previous identity, feeling that it was lost in the sea of cliché metaphors and stock photography that dominated the law and intellectual property professions. They struggled internally to feel a connection and sense of ownership to the brand, as it lacked a cohesive visual system and narrative that told the story behind the people and processes involved in intellectual law. But most importantly, Acapo wanted to find a way to communicate what it is they do and work with, in a simple and down to earth way.

How the final design was conceived

Finding inspiration in the "Idea" and capturing the physical and mental process of it's development, the visual identity is built from a system of elements, which are individually adaptable, but constantly evolving and give the brand and it’s communication flexibility while maintaining a clear signature. These elements pull inspiration from visual expressions associated with idea development, technical drawings, and connection. With the use of photography, we are able to document their clients, their creative process, and the nature of their business, bringing a human quality to Acapo’s services, ultimately bridging the gap between lawyer and client.

Indication of how successful the outcome was in the market

The new identity created a sense of internal pride and ownership to the company, while opening up the brand's communication in a way that both Acapo and their clients understand and connect with. Standing out from their competitors through a different communication approach, Acapo's new identity inspires others, gaining attention from both new business and potential new recruitments. The new identity has allowed for a much for flexible system, that allows Acapo to push themselves into the future through technology and new ways of communicating, mirroring the innovation of their clients, while making themselves more engaging and accessible .