Winners & Shortlists


Entrant Company BOONDOGGLE Leuven, BELGIUM
Advertising Agency BOONDOGGLE Leuven, BELGIUM
Production Company WE MAKE YOU HAPPY Gent, BELGIUM
Name Company Position
Anneke Verbelen CKS Marketing Manager
Niels Schreyers BOONDOGGLE Creative Director
Odin Saillé BOONDOGGLE Creative Director
Frederik Cuyvers BOONDOGGLE Campaign Manager
Xandra Van Der Mensch BOONDOGGLE Campaign Manager
Kristel Vanderlinden BOONDOGGLE Strategic Director
Inge Vander Velpen BOONDOGGLE Managing Director

The Brief

The campaign was aimed to engage new CKS customers and make them feel what CKS stands for: instant happiness. Women who enter the store, become loyal clients at CKS, so the key was to get new potential customers to enter the store. Timing of the campaign was linked to the launch of the new 2014-2015 winter collection, so of course it was crucial that the message was linked to the winter collection.

Creative Execution

We created a retail first: we invented a coupon people had to use immediately. The Ice Coupon, offer valid until melted. A cool idea to launch the new winter collection. Offering instant happiness is CKS' mission, and this campaign did exactly that, not just because of the instant discount, but even more because of the unexpected experience.

Describe the creative solution to the brief/objective.

What's colder and feels more like 'winter' than real ice? And what's more convincing than giving new customers a discount? That's why we gave them an icy discount! A true ice coupon which melted if the customer didn’t get in store by time. We projected to have all ice coupons redeemed. We also targeted potential customers through an emailing with digital coupon, aiming at a redemption of min. 1%.


- Physical ice coupon redemption was 100%. In other words: everyone melted for the winter campaign of CKS. - 50% more traffic in the participating CKS-stores than average. - Sales doubled: 200% increase of sales in comparison with the corresponding period in 2013. - 28% of targeted audience opened the email and 8% of them redeemed their digital coupon. The campaign also got a lot of PR-attention, which helped to increase brand awareness and positively influence the brand image.