Winners & Shortlists


Product/Service911 TURBO
Entrant Company FRED & FARID GROUP Paris, FRANCE
Advertising Agency FRED & FARID GROUP Paris, FRANCE
Advertising Agency 2 FRED & FARID SHANGHAI, CHINA
Name Company Position
Fred/Farid FRED/FARID GROUP Chief Creative Officers
Feng Huang FRED/FARID GROUP Creative Directors
Adrien Gorris/Jean/Baptiste Ledivelec/Pierrick Jegou FRED/FARID GROUP Art Director
Adrien Gorris/Jean/Baptiste Ledivelec FRED/FARID GROUP Copywriter
Sacha Guyon FRED/FARID GROUP Agency Producer
Lloyd Wang FRED/FARID GROUP Account Manager
Zhang Hao/White Wang FRED/FARID GROUP Developper
Deesch Papke/Carsten Balmes/Estella Yang Porsche China) Motors Ltd. Clients

The Brief

Everything is now quantified with numbers. The problem is: apart from an elite of mathematicians, engineers, analysts and developers, no one understands numbers. For normal people, numbers are just boring and complicated. When Porsche asked us to promote in China the new Porsche 911 Turbo S as "Benchmarking Numbers", we had to find a way to make Porsche numbers easy to understand and entertaining. We decided to make the whole China speak "Numbers", a brand new language specially created for the occasion, and only made of numbers. We decided to make China fluent in "Numbers", with a mobile-first Weibo activation.

Creative Execution

We released on the Porsche Weibo account a series of 12 tweets only composed of strange numbers with no explanation. The third day, we revealed a link to a Weibo tab entitled "The Benchmark Decoder", where Chinese people could decrypt our first 12 posts into real meaningful sentences& discovering 12 technical specifications of the new 911 Turbo S, and everyone understands why this car really is "Benchmarking numbers".

Describe the creative solution to the brief/objective.

We decided to make the whole China speak "Numbers", a brand new language specially created for the occasion, and only made of numbers. We decided to make China fluent in "Numbers", with a mobile-first Weibo activation.


Globally our posts have been seen by more than 2.4 million people, with 9,773 retweets and 1,416 comments. Increasing our Weibo page followers by +11% and reaching an overall media impressions of 85,726,397 (source: CIC IWOM).