Winners & Shortlists


Entrant Company SEK & GREY Helsinki, FINLAND
Advertising Agency SEK & GREY Helsinki, FINLAND
Advertising Agency 2 GREAT APES Helsinki, FINLAND
Name Company Position
Kelahaara Sami SEK/GREY Art Director
Martikainen Mikko SEK/GREY Copywriter
Valo Tanja SEK/GREY Project Director
Aalto/Setälä Jari SEK/GREY Brand Development Director
Antikainen Tanja SEK/GREY Brand Producer
Roope Nevander SEK/GREY Planner
Jari Ullakko SEK/GREY Creative Director
Juhana Salminen SEK Point Head Of Video
Markus Hyvärinen SEK Point Editor
Minna Pinola SEK Public Account Director/Planner
Jenny Paulamäki SEK Public Communications Consultant
Susanna Virkkula Toinenphd Planner
Laura Hedman Toinenphd Producer
Mikko Peltomäki Toinenphd Marketing Architect
Jari Kinnunen SEK Point Graphic Assistant

Creative Execution

To create buzz before the show, we challenged videobloggers to apply as the rookie and the other host for the show. This short 10 day open videocasting really paid off. We found Miisa, a well-connected vlogger (39.000 subscribers) who doesn’t even drink coffee. She was the perfect host to complement our coffee expert, Robin, a former barista. Together with our hosts we challenged everything about coffee taste. We explored Colourless Coffee, enjoyed coffee in new surprising forms like Liquid Nitrogen Mousse and Coffee Caviar, tested Personally Tailored Blends and discovered The Good, the Bad and the Ugly foods with coffee.

Presidentti LAB was a hit on YouTube. We succeeded in: - gaining 574.421 watched minutes - attracting 815.897 views - reaching 4:02 average view time for 4 main episodes - earning 16.908 likes and 2.613 comments in YouTube - getting over 1,9 M contacts that equals to over a 1/3 of the Finnish population - growing the channel by subscriptions from zero to Finland’s second largest FMCG brand channel New consumers have found Presidentti and the range sales is ahead of last year, despite the decline. And yes, we got Miisa to enjoy coffee!

How can we make Presidentti, a traditional festive coffee, appealing to a younger urban generation? And encourage them to try the whole range? We did it by reigniting the brand to stand for curiosity and taste exploration. This would attract our target audience who are very interested in new taste sensations. They want to be the first to tell about new experiences around food. To engage with the new generation we created Presidentti LAB – a show in YouTube making the most groundbreaking coffee and taste explorations by two hosts: a coffee expert and a rookie.