Winners & Shortlists


Entrant Company ANR BBDO Stockholm, SWEDEN
Advertising Agency ANR BBDO Stockholm, SWEDEN
Media Agency ADON Stockholm, SWEDEN
Production Company B-REEL Stockholm, SWEDEN
Name Company Position
Stephanie Moradi ANR BBDO Copywriter
Fredrik Broander ANR BBDO Art Director
Maria Sandberg ANR BBDO Account Director
Andreas Lönn ANR BBDO Creative Director
Pontus Karlsson ANR BBDO Account Executive
Anna Jensen ANR BBDO Planner
Jacqueline Nyman ANR BBDO Production Manager
Linda Ulving ANR BBDO Production Manager
Tom Malmros B/Reel Director
Rikard Åström B/Reel Producer

Results and Effectiveness

The awareness of the Swedish Model increased by an incredible 100% (goal: 30%) and the earned media value of the campaign was 1000% higher than invested. For the first time ever, TCO's president got to personally meet all of the Presidents of the political youth parties and discuss how the Swedish model can continue to give us the best working conditions (goal: 50%). Like a Swede became the most shared video commercial in Sweden within 24 hours after launch, generating hundreds of thousands of views, over 42 000+ shares and 110 000+ social actions and was spread across 221 countries.

Creative Execution

Our target audience is an updated group of people that are frequent users of social media. By premiering the film on YouTube, and investing a majority of the sparse media budget on social video marketing including Twitter, we opened up Like a Swede for digital spread, dialogue and debate. At the same time we mobilized influential opinion leaders on Twitter, Facebook and in traditional media and let a selected group see the film exclusively. During the first 24 hours after launch, we also activated TCO's internal channels and networks all over the world to get YouTube to perceive the video as trending. Barely one day after launching the campaign, Like a Swede had become the most shared commercial in Sweden at the time.

Insights, Strategy and the Idea

TCO, a trade union organisation in Sweden wanted to increase awareness about the Swedish Model. But few knew what TCO did, and only a vanishingly amount knew what Swedish Model was - a collaboration where employers and unions, without government interference, agree on the best conditions on the labour market. If no one knows about the model, who will develop it in the future? We targeted those who can - tomorrow’s decision makers, i.e. young journalists, politicians and influencers. And we built the campaign on the insight that only the richest in other countries can enjoy the same benefits that they do. Benefits they often take for granted. Though we’re never so prone to spread the word when we're mentioned in The New York Times. So to get our target audience intrigued, we created a fictive American named Joe who’d found a new way of living - Like a Swede.